How it all began...

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Deku's POV

Before we start this story of how I became a villain, I would like to say, do not hate on the author if she kills a character off, just don't hate on the author. In fact, don't hate on any comments or even other people's stories. This story involves all my friends from the anime My Hero Academia (MHA), none of the characters belong to the author. Oh, and this story is very gay, if you are homophobic, leave. Thanks for reading this and on with the actual story.


Deku's POV

Right now, i'm sitting in my room, getting ready for my doctor's appointment to see what quirk I have. I'm around 8 years old, so I was jumping up and down, ready to figure it out, I couldn't wait! My mom came into the room and told me we are going. I ran outside and into the car, I was nervous and excited. When we got to the doctor, we waited for them to call my name. Once they called it, I had started to calm down. We went into a white and pale blue room. I sat on chair and waited for the doctor to come in. 

~Time skip - 10 minutes later-

It was getting boring waiting, I was playing with my All Might action figure. I heard the door open and the doctor walked in. My mom and the doctor were talking when the doctor walked over and kneeled in front of me. I listened carefully.

"I'm sorry to tell you this Izuku Midoriya, but you were born quirkless."

After those few words, my heart shattered. 

I realized how I might not be able to become a hero.

I'll be quirkless forever.

I'll never become like All Might.

I sat there, in shock, not crying whatsoever. I should have expected this, i'll never be as cool as Kacchan, nor All might. I stood up and asked where the washroom was, he said down the hall to the right, I walked in and cried, all I could do was cry. 

~Time Skip - Middle School~

Class was getting really boring these days, considering how it was the last week so we did nothing. I sat by myself on my phone, writing notes about the pro heroes in my notebook. When Kacchan came over and took my notebook, I then realized school was over and I was the last one, excluding Kacchan and his other friends. I looked up at him and he glared at me with the notebook in his hand.

"Seriously Deku, you still write in these stupid notebooks? I know how to make you stop."

He used his explosions to burn my book, I gasped and glared at him.

"Maybe we should cool it down while we are at it. Open the window."

One of his friends opened the window, and he threw it out into the pond outside the window. 

"Maybe you should just swan dive outta the window and hope for a quirk in your next life."

I froze, my childhood friend just told me to swan dive out the window. I looked down, still in shock, and started to smirk.

Maybe I will just swan dive out the window. NO. I need to believe in myself, I can become a hero. 

I turned around to see Kacchan gone, I sighed and left to go get my book. Once I got there, my book was soaked, but none of the pages were fully wrecked. I grabbed it and started to walk home. I walked under a overpass, just a few blocks away from home. I heard the manhole break open, I looked behind me and saw a sludge villain and started to back up when he grabbed me and said. 

"Thanks for the new body kid, it will be over soon. I will a hurt... a lot!"

I felt the sludge go down my throat and into my lungs, I couldn't breathe. I was about to pass out when I saw a blurry figure punch the villain, and I blacked out. 

I felt slapping on my face, I woke up and saw my idol, ALL MIGHT! I freaked out and went to get my notebook for an autograph and saw it was already signed. I smiled and looked at him,

"Mr. All Might can I ask you a few questions?"

"I have a few minutes before I have to go, so, all right."

"What's it like being the symbol of peace? Are you happy being a pro hero? Can someone quirkless become a pro hero?"

"Its stressful, but I like helping people out, yes and No, it would be to dangerous and they can't do very much without a quirk. So just give it up kid." After that, he flew off.

I looked at where he used to be and started to tear up. I brushed away my tears before I could cry. I knew I couldn't become a pro hero, I knew it all along. I sighed and started walking home when I heard an explosion, I looked to the alley way and saw the sludge villain, guess All Might was dumb enough to lose them. I walked over to see the fight and that the villain had a boy with blond spiky hair... Wait is that KACCHAN?! I realized it was, he made I contact with me and I gave him the creepiest smile and started to walk away. He deserves it. 

~At Home~

I walked into the house ans went into the kitchen. I saw a note from my mom,

Dear Izu, 

I'm going for a vacation with a few friends for a few months. I left you money and you can email for more. Before I left, I made you a bowl of Katsudon. I'll see you in a few months Izu. I love you.



Of course she left me, she doesn't care. No one does. I went into my room and looked at my walls, I sighed and ripped every poster of my walls, got rid of my pillows and merch. I'm done with All Might. I never want to see him again. I went back into the kitchen, ate my dinner and watched the news. I saw the Kacchan was safe and sighed. I turned off the TV, but my bowl in the sink and went into my room. I sat on my bed and looked on my Instagram and changed my feed from All Might to nice pics of me. I plugged in my phone, layed down and fell asleep knowing i'll never be a hero.


Deku's POV

Sorry that was long, but my story is a long story so no complaining! I hope you enjoyed my story and i'll talk to you when the author decides to post again. Bye my little villains!

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