First Day of School...

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Deku's POV

I'm real excited for this chapter. Hope you enjoy it my little villains.


Deku's POV

I heard my alarm and smashed it with my fist and got up. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. After my shower, I put on my uniform and went into the bar for breakfast. I saw Mom and Dad talking at the table, I saw a plate of pancakes and bacon and ate it quickly. I then waited for Todo so we could get teleported to school. I heard the door open and saw Todo with and undercut hair style, I ran and hugged him. I whispered into his ear,
"That haircut makes you really sexy Todo~"
"Thanks Izu, maybe we should give you a hot new style~"
"Maybe~" I giggle and walk to my bag,
I pick it up and walk next to Todo, Mom made a portal that was a a bit away from the school.
"It might feel weird at first but you'll get used to it."
I grab his hand and we walk through the portal hand in hand and end up not to far from the school. We walk the rest of the way hand in hand. We get to the school and I feel him shake, I turn to him and kiss him quickly.
"You'll be fine Todo."
"Thanks Iz-Tenko."
We walk in and start to walk to our classroom,
"Why the fuck do they have a big ass door?"
"I don't fucking know babe."
He nudges me and we walk in, still hand in hand. We walk over to a pair of desks and sit down, I look at him and smile, he smiles back and we talk till we hear yelling.
Iida was yelling at Bakugou to take his feet off the desk, Bakugou was yelling back.
"Bakugou, just fucking take your feet of the desk." I groan towards him,
"The fuck you say?!" He yelled at me,
"TAKE YOUR GODDAMN FEET OFF THE MOTHERFUCKING DESK, you two are giving me a headache." I sit and Todo grabs my hands to calm me down, I start to calm down and we keep talking when I see a yellow sleeping bag, it our teacher. I shut up and so does Todo, we sit silently and wait for the rest of them to be quiet.
"Took you 8 seconds to shut up. Except Todoroki and Shimura, good job." He mumbled in our direction,
"Put these gym uniforms on and go outside."
Me and Todo get up and grab our gym uniforms, we go into the changeroom and changed quickly before anyone else got in, we walked out and saw Aizawa by himself. We stand on the side and whisper quietly to not make Aizawa mad, we need to act like good kids. He looks at us and we smile, he sorta smiles back and keeps getting ready for the gym class thingy. We wait for everyone else to come out, it took them around 10 minutes for everyone to come out.
"Next time be quicker like Shimura and Todoroki. Now today we are doing a quirk apprehension test, Shimura please stand in the circle."
I walk over to the circle and catch the ball Aizawa throws at me.
"What was your farthest throw?"
"67 meters."
"Now use your quirk."
I quickly take my blade and cut a bit of my finger and made a baseball bat, I hit the ball and it went flying, I used telekinesis after to make it go further.
"2564.89 meters."
Everyone starts saying how it will be fun, and Aizawa says this won't be fun at all and if you are last you are expelled.

50 meter dash

I was against Todoroki, so we said who ever wins the test gets to choose the others persons drinks for the next three times. Because Todo loves his Whiskey and I love my Vodka. I used my erasure quirk on him and flew to the finish line.
"Fuck you Tenko."
"I already do Babe~"
He blushes and groans, we go and get ready for the next.

(I forget the rest of them.)

Ball throw

Todoroki used his fire to shoot the ball as far as possible, it only got around 1000 meters.

We wait for the results and we were laughing hard about stupid things that happened at the bar. The results popped up and we saw something that shocked us both, we tied for first.
"FUCK!" We yelled at the same time and everyone looked at us, now I gotta drink Whiskey and he's gotta drink Vodka.
We groan and Aizawa says we can leave or explore the school for the rest of the day be he had nothing else planned. We go change and get stuff to go to lunch before we go 'explore' aka just get more information, we got and get our food and sit outside with it. We were laughing and making jokes, just hanging out.
"Babe, do you just wanna go walk around the city?"
We get up and go back inside to put our trays away. We walk out of the school and go to the park for a bit. I take him before this giant cherry blossom tree that has a little pond and waterfall. He sits down and I lay my head in his lap. We sit like that for a bit then he said we shouldn't kill today and just hang out. We walked out of the park hand in hand and we saw Kaminari, Sero, Mina, Kirishima and Bakugou hanging out together. We walked past them, ignoring them, and walked into the bar, We smile and say class was let out early. We go upstairs into my room and play video games for hours until Endeavour calls Todoroki and tells him to go home. Todoroki accidentally let out he was hanging out with his boyfriend and Endeavour told him never to go home. He smiled and acted sad on the phone. He hung up and hugged me, looks like he's living with the villains now.

Deku's POV

This was kinda a weird chapter. but it works, hope you enjoyed and have and amazing day my little villains.

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