Helping the Villains...

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Deku's POV

Sorry I couldn't end it last chapter, I was busy with something. Well enjoy this chapter!
Deku's POV

I looked at Todoroki and smiled, he looked like he was enjoying himself with Dabi and Toga. I looked at Dad and saw him walk over,
"How was the exam son?" He questioned,
"It was super easy, like the robots were to easy to take down. I saved a dumb chick and got extra points like you said." He smiled
"Good Job Son!"
"Thanks Dad."
He looked a Kurogiri and smirked, I know what that means,
"Whiskey, Vodka or Rum? You too Todoroki."
"Vodka shots!"
"What in the actual fuck Todoroki, you could drink Vodka and you choose Whiskey!?" I questioned/yelled at him,
"I like the burn, feels good after getting beat up." He rolled his eyes.
I smiled and took all my shots quickly,
"More please Mom."
"Okay Deku."
I smiled and take the rest of my shots again, I smiled and walked over to Todoroki and sat on his lap,
"You are one hot motherfucker Todo."
"Could say the same for you Deku."
I smirked and hugged him while resting my head on his shoulder.

After a bit he shook me,
"I need to leave Deku." I pouted,
"Okay Todo, i'll see you tomorrow!"
"Bye Guys!"
He left and everyone looked at me,
"The fuck y'all want?"
"Do you like Todoroki?" Toga asked,
"Of course, if you couldn't see me on his lap."
They all smirked and told me to go to bed, I groaned and walked to my room after saying goodnight.
I'm definitely going to be hungover tomorrow, so will Todo.
~The next day~

Deku's POV

I wake up with a throbbing headache, I quietly curse and got dressed into my work out clothes, and walk into the bar to get ready to train. I saw Mom making food so I went and sat at the bar with my head on the table groaning.
"Don't forget Todoroki is coming over today to discuss plans."
I hear him put a plate done in front of me, I look up to see waffles and bacon, I smile.
My favourite.
I start eating my food and when I finish I put my dishes in the sink and hear the door open.
He walks in and smiles, I smiled back. Mom said he's going to groceries and leaves.
"Hey Deku?"
"Yeah Todo?"
"Can I call you Izu here?"
It was getting awkward when I remembered I don't have to train today.
"I don't have to train today, wanna make cupcakes?"
"Of course!"
We go into the kitchen and get the cake mix boxes.
"What flavour?"
"Chocolate and pink frosting."
We start to make it when I feel something hit my head, I turn around and see Todo laughing. I grab some flour from the random bag of flour and hit him in the chest, he gasped and we kept throwing flour. After a but we make the batter and put it in the oven to cook.

~Time Skip - Cupcakes finished and decorated~

When we finishes we looked like hell, covered in flour and frosting. We kept laughing about how we looked then we decided to clean the kitchen, it didn't take long so after we went into my room and we each took a shower, everyone would wake up soon to discuss plans, he got out and I saw his chest and stared.
"Like what you seen?" He questions while smirking,
I blush and nod. He walks over and grabs my chin to look at him, he leans over and kisses me. My eyes widen and I start to kiss back, we sat in my room kissing on my bed for a bit then realized we needed to go downstairs. We got up and I waited in the hallway while he changed. He came out and we went downstairs and saw two cupcakes left. We saw everyone with empty wrappers,
"Motherfuckers." I went and grabbed the last two for me and Todo. I gave him one and we sat down at the round table with everyone else.
"First things first, Todoroki you are now a spy with Deku because I know you two got in."
"Sure thing Shigaraki."
"Second, you guys are gonna be in the same class, so pretend you guys got to know each-other during the wait for the letters."
"Okay Dad."
"Lastly, we will be attacking the USJ when you are there with All Might. Do you want to help or 'attack' us!"
"I think we should skip school and join in with masks." I suggested,
"I agree with Izu."
"Okay and one more thing actually, who made these fucking delicious cupcakes?"
"Us." Me and Todo said at the same time.

~Time Skip - Letters arrive~

I open my letter and see a disk, I turn it on and see All Might.
"Good Job Tenko, you had 96 points and got 60 more for saving Ochaco Uraraka. In total you got 156 points, the most points this year, you are the freshman representative. Welcome to U.A."
Nice, I walk down stairs and tell the rest of them, I heard the door open and saw Todoroki, he got in through recommendations, he smiled and I ran and jumped in his arms.
"Hey Izu."
"Hey Sho."
"How did you do?"
"156 points, class representative."
We smile and go and sit down for dinner, we eat all mine and Todoroki's favourite foods. He gets up and kisses my cheek saying he has to go and he'll see me tomorrow so we can teleport to school. He walks out and I go to my room to get ready for bed and then I sit on my computer to find more weaknesses in hero's, I see a purple mark on All Might's stomach in a picture on Google. That looks like a weak spot, I write it down and close my computer and lay down. I smile when I think about Todoroki. And start to dream.


Deku's POV

Hope you liked this gay ass chapter. love you all my little villains.

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