Meeting someone new...

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Deku's POV

Hope you are enjoying my story so far. The author is having fun writing it, so i'm going to say it again, no hate on the story, comments or other peoples stories. And this is gay, but you should know that from the first chapter. Hope you enjoy today's story.


Deku's POV

I woke up feeling like shit. I decided it wasn't a good idea to go to school, but I needed to go so I could have the notes for our last final. I got dressed and went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and ate a croissant. I finished my food and left the house, locking the door, I didn't care if I was late. I was walking down the street slowly looking at the surrounding houses and sighed. These people probably have people who care about them, unlike me. I kept walking to school and walked in half an hour late. Once I got to the door, I walked in and everyone looked at me with a shocked face, I even heard people whispering on why I was late today. I sat down and kept listening to the teacher who was talking about who cares what.

~After Class~

I sat in the cafeteria by myself and ate nothing. I couldn't bring myself to eat anything. Maybe I should starve myself to death, or I co-. My thoughts were interrupted by someone slapping me, I glared up at the person, it was Kacchan. He looked at me angry, then shocked because I was glaring at him. 

"What. The. Fuck. Do. Want. Bakugou." I glared up at him.

He looked down at me and smirked.

"To beat you up, you don't deserve to live anyway." He said.

I looked down and smirked, I fake frowned and looked at him.

"That's was what I was contemplating in my head, so you might have just pushed me over the edge. So can you go away now, there is no point beating me up if I plan on dying." I finished.

Everyone looked at me shocked, I sat back down and looked at the table, I saw Bakugou glare at me and walk away. Guess the talk about me killing myself worked. The bell rang and I got up, I walked to class and sat down, looking out the window, waiting for class to start.

~End of School~

I got up and went to my locker to grab my stuff when I was pinned to the locker. I'm going to assume its Bakugou. I looked at him and glared, he grabbed my collar and looked into my eyes, I looked bored and glared at him more.

"What the hell is wrong with you Deku?!"

"Nothing, you said to swan dive off the roof, I was told I couldn't be a hero by All Might, I don't wanna live anymore if all I get is bullying. Now I have to go home and make supper." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him off me. 

I walked away to turn back and see Bakugou with a black mark around his wrist. He deserved it. I started home and walked through the alley short cut when I felt someones presence behind me, I turned around and sighed.

"Just knock me out all ready. I'm done with this shit."

The figure looked shocked and put his hand on my shoulder.

"How about I give you a quirk and you join the villains." He whispered into my ear.

"Sure." I replied quickly.

"That was quick, but we need you to do one thing." He smirked.


"I need you to fake your own death." I smiled at the request.

"Okay, how are we going to do this?" I looked at him.

"I have a friend who can revive people, so i'll need you to die preferably off a roof where people can see you." He replied.

"The school roof is the easiest place." I said quickly, again.

"Okay, i'll meet you at the school roof during lunch." He said.

"Everyone will be outside for lunch, so that's perfect." I smiled evilly.

"See you tomorrow Izuku Midoriya." He turned and left.

I smiled and realized, I don't have to deal with Bakugou bullying me. I kept smiling walking home and grabbed all the money I had and got an unknown text:

(D: Deku, S: Shigaraki) 

S: Its the villain from before.

D: Want me to give you all the money I own to work on more evil stuff? It's a lot of money.

S: Sure, if you want too.

D: K, i'll give it to you tomorrow.

S: Okay, well text me when you get to the roof tomorrow, I have people you need to meet before.

D: Okay, Bye.

S: Bye kid.

I smiled at my phone and went into my room not doing my work. There was no point if i'm going to 'die' tomorrow. I looked at my now blank wall and decided to write a suicide note and pack all my stuff into a box, except for my school stuff. I began writing my suicide note. Once I finished I layed down and fell asleep. 

~Next Morning~

Today is the day I 'die'. I smiled and got up to take a shower, I don't care if i'm late anymore. I drank a cup of coffee and left the house with my note in my backpack. I walked to school an hour late, smiling.

~Lunch Hour~

I was sitting on the roof and texted the villain.

D: I'm on the roof, now what?

S: Wait for me.

D: K

I turned off my phone and looked at Bakugou and his 'friends'. I heard a sound and turned around to see a portal, the villain and two other people. I looked in amazement, they looked so bad ass! The villain looked at me and smirked,

"Nice to see you again Izuku."

"Nice to see you too..."

"Shigaraki, you can call me Tomura, the girl is Toga, the tall guy with stitches is Dabi and the portal guy is Kurogiri. The healer with be here after you die."

"Okay, I made a suicide note to make it more believable."

"Damn Kid, you are smart."

Deku looked shocked, he was never called smart.

"Thanks" Deku mumbled.

"Let's do this, shall we?" Deku smiled,

"We shall."

Deku walked over to the edge of the roof and looked at the villains and smiled, he turned back around and jumped. He saw memories of him and Bakugou, him and his mom, and finally, his depression, he smiled and hit the ground before someone could save him.


Deku's POV

Now we will get to the good parts. So hope you enjoyed this chapter. Can't wait for the next. Bye my little villains!

Unimpressed ~ Villain Deku AU (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now