U.A. Exams...

177 6 9

Deku's POV



Deku's POV

I woke up with a massive headache,

"Fuck, my head hurts."

I stood up and rubbed my temples to go dye my hair and take a shower before the exam, I was told I need to dye my hair so I got up extra early to dye my hair and get ready. I got the dye out and started to get ready.

~Time Skip~

I finished dyeing my hair and was out of the shower,

I can't wear my old uniform, i'll just wear my suit today.

If I wear my old uniform, Kacc- Katsuki will notice me, so the suit will do. I got dressed, slicked my hair back and put makeup over my very noticeable freckles. I walked down the stairs to the bar to get food, I was fucking hungry. I walked in and everyone looked at me,

"You ready to become a spy." Dad asked,

I sat down at the bar and Mom put a plate of bacon and waffles in front of me,

"As ready as i'll ever be." I replied with food in my mouth,

"Don't talk with food in your mouth" Dad slapped my upside the head,

"Fine Dad." I groaned, after swallowing my food.

I got up and grabbed my bag,

"See you after guys, Love you Mom and Dad,"

"Love you too." I heard Mom and Dad yell back, I smiled and walked to the school. Not wanting to accidentally show off my quirks.

~Time Skip~

I looked up at the school and sighed, this is to easy. I walked into the front door and turned around for a second to see Katsuki fall and this guy with red hair help him.

~Time Skip~

I kept walking till I got to the auditorium, I sat down in the middle and guess who sat next to me, Bakugou. I looked at him and he glared at me,

"What do you want freak?"

I rolled my eyes,

"First of all I have a name, its Tenko Shimura, so fuck off. Second of all, I was looking at you to see who was sitting next to me and finally, stop being a dick asshole."

I turned around and he looked shocked and angry, he turned to the front when Present Mic started to talk. He started to talked about how much the robots are worth, I smirked. I know that there are hero points for saving people. Now everyone go to the city with your number on it. I looked and saw B, Bakugou had B as well. I stood up walked to the city, it was a bit of a walk. I saw this girl with brown hair and a guy with blue hair next to me, good, they look annoying but gullible.

"Okay, now everyone GO!" I ran into the city and started to kill robots and saw the rest of the people run in after, I saw four three pointers and used my telekinesis to smash them into the ground.

I kept running and killing robots,

96 points so far, i'll take a short break .

I sat down and watched other people fight for a minute or two then got up and killed more robots. I saw everyone run in the same direction when I saw a giant 0 point robot. I was about to go kill it anyway when I saw a girl trapped under some rubble.

I'll make it look like i'm saving her when really I just wanna kill something big.

I used my telekinesis to move the rubble and her out of the way and used my blood manipulation to make a giant sword and I slashed right through the middle of the robot and it falling over, I fell to the group and 'made sure' the girl was okay.

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