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evon: icky vicky

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evon: icky vicky

89,738 likes ; 12,382 comments

user1: breaking out nick
todderic: living legend.
user2: hey dad omg @todderic
ethandolan: this is too pretty
ethandolan: take it down
evon: @ethandolan ugh , sorry dad.

1m ago: todderic followed evon
27s ago: evon followed todderic


ethandolan: i think abt u all the time

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ethandolan: i think abt u all the time.

827,945 likes ; 41,927 comments

cringedolan: so beautiful
user1: oo?
evon: geez, @ me next time. got it?
ethandolan: @evon sorry i will next time
camdol: ok what am i missing ??
graysondolan: @camdol a lot.

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