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Damn. I didn't know he had a boyfriend. Or is that just his friend? Is he gay or straight? I don't know they seemed pretty close. Maybe I'm looking to much into things. Besides, it's not like he'd like me anyways.

I decided to call Wonpil.

"Wonpilllllllll!!" I practically screeched into my phone.

"Ow! My ears! You better have an explanation for that!" He yelled.

"I do. So you know the place where I go to eat food everyday?"

"How could I forget? You don't shut up about it."

"Well basically yesterday I came here and it turns out there was someone new working here, and they're very attractive. Like, I literally couldn't even talk. And that goes the same for today."

"Dang, she must be really attractive then."

"Oh, right... About that..."


"So the person I'm talking about isn't exactly a girl... "

"What?? So you discovered that you like a guy just like that? It took me years to realize I'm into guys and even then I denied it."

"Yeah well it didn't work like that for me. I have no idea what to do. Oh my god, he just looked over at me."

"Wait, you're still there?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm not gonna waste my food."

"Do you know why he's looking at you? "

"Of course not! I can't read minds!"

"Whatever. I have to go, Dowoon is calling me."

"Fine, abandon your hyung to talk to your boyfriend. I see how it is. "

"Quit being over dramatic. And he's not my boyfriend! "


"Whatever,  I have to go. Bye hyung!"

I huffed. How dare he hang up on me,  his favourite hyung. I stuffed food into my face, trying to get my mind off of the hot guy and Wonpil being dumb. But it didn't help when the hottie would GLANCE AT ME EVERY FEW SECONDS.

Maybe I exaggerated a bit. He'd look over every 10 seconds. Of course I have to have a completely irrational crush on a complete stranger,  who is a guy. When was I ever into guys?? I'm so confused. I just gave up on thinking about it and stuffed my food into my mouth. How is he so hot?!?! What the fuck???!! I was basically having a mental breakdown at that point, completely confused and attracted by the guy. I had to leave before I started screeching about how confused I was.

I realized that most of the people that were in here are gone, as people usually got takeout. I was done my food so I started gethering my things and putting my garbage on the tray. I threw out the garbage, and was about to leave but I heard someone yell something. I turned around to see that one hot guy standing near where I sat, and was looking directly at me. I just froze in my spot. I pointed at myself to see if he was talking to me and he nodded.

Oh no. Did I do something wrong?? Is attractive guy who I don't know but have a crush on mad at me? I slowly approached him. "You almost forgot this." He said, and held out my notebook. I still couldn't talk to him for some reason, so I just bowed and tried to get out. "Wait! I don't mean to sound rude, but can you talk?" He asked.

I turned back around slowly. How am I going to respond to that?! I quickly searched my mind for ideas, and ended up with the most obvious answer. "U-um, yes..." I sounded out. He seemed shocked. "Oh. Why didn't you talk when you were ordering?" "I- oh well would you look at the time! It's time for me to go- um..  Do something! Bye!" I rushed out the door, and the hot guy couldn't follow me since he was working.

Thank god I got out of there, I would've died if I stayed longer. I then wandered off to who knows where.

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