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I watched as the strange boy ran out the door. Is he weirded out by me or something?? Why wouldn't he talk to me? I probably shouldn't worry about it too much. I walked back to continue working.

Sungjin walked up to me with a weird look. "What happened over there? All I saw was you talking to some guy and he ran off. Is he your friend or something??" He questioned. "I have no idea what happened either. And no, I don't know him. He seems to be a regular here though." I responded.

"Now that you mentioned it, I have seen him here before. He doesn't run away from me though." He joked, and I made a mocking face at him. "Did he talk to you to order?" I asked.

"No, I'm the boss. Remember? (Us Youth part 2)" "Whatever." I replied. "However, he doesn't seem like he's the quiet type. In fact, he's probably the opposite." Sungjin pointed out. "Then why wouldn't he talk to mee?!?" I whined. "I don't know! Why are you obsessing over this guy??" "I'm not obsessing, he just seems interesting." I retorted. "I'm NoT oBsEsSiNg, He JuSt SeEmS iNtErEsTiNg." He mocked.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're really older than me." I mumbled under my breath, but of course he heard it and hit me. "Get back to work now." Sungjin said as he walked back to the employees only area. He's probably gonna make out with Junhyeok or something instead of doing any work.

[Time Skip]

It was finally time to close up the restaurant. I cleaned up and grabbed my things along with my coworkers. When we finished, I walked out of the medium sized fast food restaurant. I walked down the street and decided to go the park. I would always go to this certain park when I was stressed out or just wanted to relax. It was a big open field, and barely anyone would visit it.

I walked on the path that lead to the park that I loved so much, when I saw someone. He looked familiar, like I've seen him before. Then it clicked in my  brain.

It's the strange guy from the restaurant! What's he doing here? I walked further into the park, instead of just standing there just staring at the guy like a creep.

He was sitting at a picnic table, and I noticed he was talking to someone. Curiosity took over me as I walked closer to where he was. I didn't want to be seen by him, so I hid behind a tree. Basically, I looked like a stalker.

"-My god, did you seriously do that? You're such an idiot!" I suddenly heard the strange guy's friend talking. "I didn't know what to do, okay! What would you have done?" He retorted.

"I don't know Jae! Anything besides what you did." His friend laughed. His name is Jae? That's different. Or maybe it's a nickname? He seems to be really talkative, just like Sungjin said. I pushed it out of my thoughts. I should probably leave before they end up seeing me.

"It's not my fault he was smoking hot!" Jae shouted. I suddenly choked on my spit after hearing that. Jae and his friend fell silent. Shit. What am I gonna do now? I can't just leave, they'd see me. And I can't stay either, because they'd find me anyways. I began to panic, not knowing what to do.

"Who or what was that?" I heard his friend speak quietly. "How am I supposed to know, Onepeel?" He replied, and 'Onepeel' began to give Jae stupid nicknames.

I decided to take this opportunity to leave quickly. I quietly walked far from the trees so they wouldn't see that I was the one who made the sound. I then walked out into the clearing, hoping they wouldn't see me.

Of course, his friend had to spot me. "Hey, you! Come over here!" I froze in my spot, and turned to look at them. He motioned for me to come over. I awkwardly approached them, panicking. "Why are you here?" He proceeded to ask me. "I- uh, like coming here?" I managed to say, only to embarrass myself in the process.

Jae guy turned to face me, and I could see his face turned pale when he realized who I was. His friend noticed this, and looked at Jae for an answer. Jae motioned something to him that I didn't understand, and the Onepeel guy started laughing.

"Um, did I do something wrong?" I spoke up. "Oh, no you didn't. It's just my friend thinks that you're really h-" Jae slapped his hand over Onepeel's mouth, his face looking panicked.

"Sorry, my friend is really dumb." He said quickly, and removed his hand from covering his friend's mouth. It felt weird that he was suddenly talking to me. "I'm not dumb! You are the dumb one for sprinting out-" Jae once again slapped his hand over his friend's mouth. "Shut up Wonpil!!" He yelled. I just kind of stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"So, why did you run out of the restaurant so quickly? I wanted to talk to you." I questioned, breaking the silence. "Oh. Uhh- it was because.. I remembered that I had to meet with Wonpil." He said, after pausing. "Oh, I'm sorry for holding you up." I replied, feeling bad that I had made him late. "No, no it's fine! I-I was just rushing out because I thought that it was later than in actually was." He reassured, although it seemed more like he was reassuring himself.

His friend Wonpil was just laughing as he watched us talk. "So, uh I should probably get going." I spoke up. "Oh, right! Sorry for all of this." He replied. "It's all good. I'm not in a rush." I said. "It was nice talking to you."

"Y-yeah, you too." He stuttered. I waved goodbye and as I was walking away, I heard Wonpil teasing him once again and Jae yelling back.

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