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Today was the day

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Today was the day. I finally get to train for the competition. My coach has been telling me to wait until it gets slightly colder to train. And he called me up, saying it was finally time. And I've never been so excited. I laced up my ice skates, heading out on the ice where my coach stands.

"Are you ready to train Wendy?"

"Yes Mr. Lee!!"

"No need to call me, just coach Wendy"

"Okay coach"

"Alright just start warming up on the ice a bit and show me what you can do" I slid across the ice, with my legs gracefully moving. When I'm on the ice, the rest of the world doesn't exist anymore. It's just me and the frozen liquid. I feel at ease, like nothing could go wrong while I skate alone. My twists and turns surprise and amaze my coach and many other people who watch me. I've been ice skating for as long as I can remember. I remember I tried to teach Jungkook to ice skate but that didn't work out like I thought it would. He slipped and got a bruised neck line. It's funny when I look back on it. It wasn't funny at the moment though. Now Jungkook just sits in the stands and watches me.

"Alright Wendy, lets pick a song for you to skate to" I smiled and skated over to my coach. I loved picking a song for my routine.

"How about...."If time passes" By Song Ha Ye?" I asked sweetly, my smile winning my coach's heart.

"That is a very beautiful song" I squealed with glee, watching Jungkook as he goes into the stands to watch me. He looks so good today, but then again he always does.

"Okay, this year, I'll let you free style your routine" I stared at my coach in shock. I've never free styled before.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you know enough moves to make your own routine" I starred back at the ice. I don't know if I even have the skills. Looking around, Jungkook's eye were starring straight at me. I smiled small like, watching as he gives me a thumbs up. I ask my coach to play the music for me. As I listened, I needed to feel the music flow within and out of me. I needed to feel it guide my body with twists and turns. My skates gliding against the ice as I focused on the present moment. Not gonna focus on Jungkook and his terrible girlfriend. It's just me and the ice now. I started out gently, just basic leg and arm movements that gently flew through the air. I closed my eyes slightly. If I was gonna focus, I didn't need to Jungkook with his eyes never leaving my person.

After just listen to the beginning play over and over again for a few hours, it was time for me to stop for the day.

"Well Wendy, you only started your routine and looks good already!"

"Thank you coach, that means a lot to me" I sighed happily.

"Well I think it's been a day, I need to leave town for a few days to help coach trainies in Japan"

"Okay coach have fun!" I waved him goodbye as he grabbed his bag and left the building. I skated away towards a bench near by, walking wobbly towards it. I sat down and took of my skates. I smiled proudly of how proud my coach is. I've been working with him for years. He's like a second father to me. Jungkook noticed that I was done and walked down to talk to me. I hope it's not about what happened yesterday. He panted slightly when he got to me, I guess he ran his way to me.

"You did good on the ice today!"

"Thank you Jungkook" I replied, seeing how Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck and dug the front of his foot in the floor a little bit.

"So...I wanted to apologize about yesterday-"

"No need to I understand why she freaked out"

"And that's what I wanted to apologize for. Haeli has been very jealous with each girl that steps a few feet from me. And I didn't tell her where we'd be hanging out. But I think one of her friends work at the diner we were at. I'm so sorry she caused your drink to splash all over you..." His voice trailed off with sadness. It wasn't his fault she acted the way she did.

"It's ok Jungkook, it's her fault really"

"Yeah, I wish she wasn't like this at all" His voice mumbling those last few words. I put back my normal shoes on and grabbed my bag.

"Can I offer you a ride?" He asked, full of hope that I'll say yes.

"Um I guess-"

"Jungkook!!! There you are!!" She's back again. Testing our friendship.

"Actually Jungkook...I'll walk home instead" I pouted, feeling a sharp pain punch my chest from the inside. I'll admit I am desperate just to have the way things were. No relationships and hidden feelings. Just a couple of normal best friends who can be themselves. But Haeli doesn't exactly get the definition of how our friendship works. I turn back to see Haeli snuggling all over Jungkook while he gives me a hurt look. I couldn't help but leave him behind with her. If I want Jungkook treated nicely by her, I better back off as much as possible. Although, it will kill me slowly.

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