Chapter 7

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I quickly used my my wind laws at the ground to produce smoke then I pulled the guys out and quickly payed the guard. After entering what welcomed me was a busy street filled with vendors and people shouting.

" 2 for 30 low grade spirit stones!" Vendor 1

" Once in a life time opportunity the house of Chen is selling Sea cleaving pill! " A chen clans man said.

We went around the market then suddenly I heard someone say.

" hey handsome wanna play with me?" A group or prostitutes from young to middle aged ladies wearing a vulgar attires surrounded the boys.

I was immediately pissed of about the fact that someone wanted to get what's mine. I quickly went near them and released my killing intent. Im pretty poweful myself at the age of 17 I already reached rank B while the boys already reach SS and little red reaching SSS. My training for the past 2 years we're no joke.


After the little creatures finish eating the system notified me.


" Host the beasts are still young and will be a burden to you , please let me transport them to different places for them to mature quickly and get strong while the host practices and will be allowed to complete her evolution." The system said.

I was saddend about the thought of parting with the little ones but I agreed with the system since I'm too weak to even take care of their needs.

"Alright please take good care of them." I said then I quickly gave the little ones a big hug each and kissed little red on the cheeks and told them

" we will partways here but you guys have to come and find me once you get strong enough ok?!" I said and tears we're streaming down my face and took one last look at them the little creatures we're protesting and saying that they don't want to go and they would behave seeing them like that broke my heart I turned around and I felt their tiny paws and claws swiping my feet. When I was about to go against my decision I was too late they we're already gone.

I broke down and steeled my heart that I would work hard to meet them again.


After sensing my killing intent those woman we're scared stiff and quickly ran away.
The boys has wide smile across their faces and their glancing at each other as if their communicating with themselves.

" Those b!tches better know their place trying to steal what's mine I will erase their very existence." I said obviously pissed off.

" Mom no matter how beautiful and sexy woman would go near me I would never leave you." Little purple said as he hugged me and boys agreed and hugged me aswell they might have noticed my anger when those woman gathered around them. Seeing these Gorgeously handsome guys smile made my heart race luckily their wearing masks but that didn't stop their charm from appearing it even made them mysteriously attractive to the eyes.

Seeing them upclose and hugging me cooled my temper and dragged the. To a nearby in n we were welcomed by a cute female waitress and I went to the front desk and asked.

" How much for a night?" I asked coldly

" owa-owa-one low grade spirit stone per room fo-for o-one ni- ni-night The manager said weakly while stuttering probably noticing the intimidating stares from the boys. ( a/n poor manager 😞 a victim of the boys possesive actions)

" 2 rooms." I said and the manager gave me 2 keys and I gave 1 key to the boys and the other is mine. And I said

" Rest early , cultivate , whatever you like to do as long as you behave and be here by 5PM or else I' m gonna take a rest I'm tired " and I gave them a stern glare and gave them 50 spirit stones each leaving me with 30 Low grade spirit stones I earned about 234 spirit stones while performing. Little Red gave me a concerned glance and said

" Weiyin are you ok? Do you feel unwell?" He said obviously concerned about me and that warmed my heart and i said

" Don't worry about me I might have the strongest bloodline in this continent and I won't get sick or anything I'm just feeling a bit sleepy ." Then I messed up his ang gave him a hug he returned the hug and said

"Ok restwell Weiyin I'll guard the door for you." He said sternly seeing him like this I know I couldn't say no so I just nodded and told the guys to take care and went in.

Sigh... what a long day I quickly went to bed and fell asleep.

As she was in a deep sleep she didn't noticed that someone was actually following her went in to her room. The man just stared at her obviously in a daze and leaned near her and kissed her forehead after doing that the man vanished and appeared on the roof and said

"Jin" suddenly a shadow appeared behind him.

"Master , what are your orders?" Jin said while kneeling down

" Investigate her origins and everything about her even small details." The man said obviously still thinking about Weiyin as he stared at the night sky.

"Understood." Jin said



I enjoyed writing this , did you enjoy reading ? I did 🤣🤣 i hope you do :D

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