Bestfriends always before hand breaking crushes.

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~Archie's p.o.v~

I'm not dumb. I can tell when something is off with my best friends...I asked Betts if we wanted to walk to school, only to figure out what the hell is wrong. Betty and Jughead have been so weird lately! Jug giving her sideways glances, Betty blushing every time she catches him doing it, just starring at each other creepily, and don't even get me started on the giggles! Yep. Something was definitely up...Kevin probably knew...he is better at this kinda thing...
"Hey Betty!" I was half way up the stairs to her house she she came out, bagel in hand and a newspaper tucked under her tan jacket sleeve. "Oh my goodness Archie it's been forever!" She smiled. I've been gone all summer, working with my dad at his construction site, lifting and pulling and pushing and lifting again, it's been a real work out. But she changed the most, she grew into a stunning young lady, hopefully Reggie will keep his hands off or else she might give him something and not something he'll like.

We walked and talked for about 5 minutes when we finally arrived at 'Riverdale high school'
" and jug" I fought myself to say it right "were acting weird towards each other". I wish I could tell you how red that beautiful face got but it was more in the moment, "wha- no Arch there's nothing weird or wrong going on...we-we are just friends" she stammered. Just friends huh?...we will see about that won't we...

~Betty's p.o.v~

I cursed myself for stuttering, specially in front of Archie, specially on the topics of that. Ugh. I just wanted to get through this year in one piece, you know not in a vulnerable shattered mirror where you only see your weakness. I speed walked away from Archie, straight to my locker to check out my schedule, the first thing I noticed though wasn't the fact I had every class with my friends but I had to show some chick named Veronica around. Great now I have something else to do...wonderful...
"Ms.Cooper please report to the principals office" ran throughout the school. usually under different Circumstances I would've freaked out at the fact I'm being sent up there but thank god they gave me a heads up. I just slammed my locker and when I got slammed into a certain someone I wished could've stayed in my dreams. Jughead grimiest, touching his chest were I went face first to. "Oh my gosh..." I touched his chest forgetting about my books noticing the blush in his cheeks I placed my hands off "I'm so sorry jug! I wasn't paying attention and- god I'm really sorry" I stammered collecting my books off the floor along with my dignity, "hey. It's ok!" His soothing voice made me slow down a little "I wasn't looking either" he touched my hand that I used to touch his chest/brake my fall, I winced in pain, drawing my hand back, "ouch" I said Barely above a whisper. "Your hurt" he said bluntly. He looked from my hand to my face, "no it's fine jug, I'm fine." I reassured him, but he didn't seem to believe it, at the way I struggled to get up. I suddenly remembered why I was rushing in the first place I ran to the principal's office looking back to see his beautiful deep blue eyes staring right back at me with a new emotion replacing the worried look he once gave me...more like lust and hungry look....weird.


Hey! Sorry these are bad and Sorry these are short! I will try for longer ones next time! Like I said before though the pictures aren't mine and will never be mine.xoxo- Audrey

P.s-please vote if u like it!

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