Thoughts that arent all that bad, and dreams not made to happen

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~Jugheads p.o.v~

All I ever wanted, was her. The perfect one, the girl next door. My everything wrapped in sunshine, in the form of a beautiful woman. But she would never see anything in me, other than a dangerous serpent boy, that has no life, is just the scum under her shoe. Not to mention my fantasies of us dating wouldn't matter. We are complete opposites, we live in this complicated love cycle, and that's just how it is, how it's supposed to be. I'm stuck with fantasies and wild love dreams.

The Cooper family would never allow it anyways."My perfect Betty! Dating you! Ha!". I assume they would laugh anyways...I rather not find out.

Every time I see her, that gorgeous smile makes me want to kiss her, her perfect green eyes make my whole world light up, even in the darkest times. Locks of blonde hair pulled back in an equally perfect, tight ponytail makes me want to sing. When she touches me, sparks flicker down my spine, millions of fireworks go off in my heart. My wanting for her grows. I can almost feel myself melting away at every glance she gives me.

I still can't believe people say that blondes are the "dumb" ones. If you ever met Betty you would reconsider everything. Betty Cooper is a friend to all, stands up to anyone who is in her way, doesn't take no for an answer, and will break whatever is in the way to get to her loved ones. You could almost see the strength, confidence, and kindness practically radiating from her. God, that women will be the death of me. Everything she does drives me insane. But I never show it, not even my best friend Archie Andrews know of my pining of Betty Cooper. Though it's probably obvious. Thank god guys are dense.

~Betty's p.o.v~

'"Jug, please, let me help you, let me in." I was crying now. "Betty just stop!Stop..." he said. "Jug I swear, if you don't tell wants going on, I'll- I'll-" I said, the tears flowing like waterfalls. "What you will cut your arm off or something? Make it so I feel bad about everything?" He said. My eyes swelling with tears, traced over the knife laying next to the cutting board. "If that's really what will make you tell me..." I grabbed the knife and-'

"Betty, are you ok?" I woke in a sweat. "Woah Betty!" Polly said softly, she gripped my hand "It was only a dream" I thought 'only a dream...'  "come on, get up  your gonna be late." My mom stood at my door frame of my very girly room "Elizabeth! You're not even dressed!" Polly walked out calmly not wanting to get in the middle of me and our mom again. "I'm sorry" I said half asleep. "Never mind that, get up, get dressed u can eat breakfast on your way there!" Getting my pink blouse and some jeans on I walked down, then ran back up because I forgot my phone and as I entered it buzzed. Curiously looking at it, I saw it was from my best friend Archie Andrews. We've neighbors even sense we were 4 and been friends ever since...almost 14 years...I thought to myself, as I opened the text,
Hey want me to walk u 2 school? 
I smiled and answered back
I would love that Arch.


Hope you liked it! It's my first one and the pictures are never mine! I don't take credit for them only the writing here! xoxo- Audrey

P.s-please vote if u like it!

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