Feelings for you

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~Jughead's p.o.v~

Me and Betty never been any closer than friends, but yesterday I felt everything change. It was always me the one to like her she never looked to deep in it but after I gave her a kiss on her nose...it's like I-we could see deeper in this relationship. When I woke up Betty was in one of my T-shirts, hair out of that tight ponytail just around her shoulders. She was just rolling her head back like she was trying to stretch, and then she yawned, I had the hardest time not to whimper, it was the most adorable sound I had ever heard. I moved a little and as soon as she heard something she whipped around. "Good morning..." I said groggily in my best morning voice. She smiled a put her hand on the side of my face and trailed down "Morning Jug" she sounded like an angel. Then her face went to concern "are you feeling better" honestly I forgot I was sick, "I-I think so" she smiled "that's good" she started to tangle her fingers into my hair. She kissed my forehead. "Unfortunately we have school today" she looked straight into my eyes "do you feel up to it?" She looked really worried but i smiled "yeah...yeah I'm good". Betty makes me feel so happy a day without her...just wouldn't feel right. She has got me through so much, I am very lucky to have her as my friend, losing her would be...awful...that's part of the reason why I'm to scared to ask her out, it could ruin what we have. But last night, I feel like she changed, like the way she looks at me...it's better now. And I didn't know this was possible but I've fallen even harder for her.

~Betty's p.o.v~

It's weird. Not waking up in my own bed. And all these feelings I had no idea even existed. Then it hit me what if I felt like Jughead was more than a friend to me...he kissed my nose and I felt sparks and I liked it. And when I kissed his forehead I felt...different but a good different. I drove us to school, the entire time he would just looking out the window, like he was lost in thought. When we arrived at school we were super early so we just sat in my car. I looked over "Jug..." he looked at me, his deep, beautiful, dark blue eyes, crown beanie, and with black hair he looked like the most adorable person ever existed. He turned his whole body and smirked slightly "Betts" he placed his hand on my face I shut my eyes "talk to me" I opened them, he was so close...too close...then I suddenly out of pure impulse I closed to space between us. The kiss was sweet but hungry. I broke it, and was about to lean away when he placed his hand behind my neck and pulled me in again this one was passionate and almost like our lives depended on it. "I really really like you Betty" Jughead breathes into the kiss. He slid his hand from my neck down to my forearm giving me chills. "Jug...I-I like you too..." he smiled into it. All of a sudden the bell rang and it broke the moment up, "Jug do me a favor though" he turned from the door to me "keep this a secret...please" he smirked "of course" and the late bell signaled us to leave.

~Cheryl's p.o.v~

Hmmmmm. When the Dorkzilla's got out of Betty's car I made it my duty not to keep this a secret. My temper was already raised today and seeing them like this...makes me wanna break them. Cheryl bombshell doesn't just let things go unnoticed, however, I wouldn't go spreading the wrong thing, it's much more fun when it's the truth, to watch them crumble in embarrassment, like music to my ears. When I was right behind the "new couple" I made sure I would push past it, going in between them and shoving them aside, hard. "move Dorkzilla's" my voice booming, watching Betty stumble slightly was pleasing but my soon victory was ruined when 'her prince' came in. His stink eye struck me of something like he actually dared me to do it again. See, I would love to test you beanie boy but I have better things to do. While smashing into other people I got face to face with new girl "move it lollipop" and shoved her with my shoulder aside. Today was gonna be fun.

~Kevin's p.o.v~

Being the only, and I mean only gay guy in school. It gets really lonely, my dad just wants me to find a nice gay guy but there's only one, me. And it doesn't help that the hottest guys are straightest guys. I wouldn't ever try to flirt with them. The only thing I would get back would be laughs in my face. Not a great prize in my opinion. I took my tragic life to the bathroom to wash my face "Kevin?" After drying my face I turned to see the speaker, Moose looked concerned "what's wrong" he took a step forward 'Damnit...he's hot' is all I could think. I shook my head "n-nothing" barley inches apart he looked straight into my fearful eyes, "tell me" I couldn't look at him, shaking my head while looking anywhere else, I let a tear fall I didn't realize I was holding back, His thumb brushed it away.
When his lips connected with mine, it was the sweetest thing ever. Moose was first to break it up, and before we knew it a full out make out session began. Let's just say I may no longer need to worry about being lonely.


Hey, so this is a little longer almost 1,000 words. The pictures still aren't mine even though I love them! And I also had no idea what to put for Cheryl, but I tried my best! xoxo- Audrey

Ps. Please, please, please, vote if you liked it

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