Now this is interesting...

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{My Art}

Pearl laughed nervously,at Y/Ns comment.
Garnet smiled,in pure amusement at Y/N comment. But the female was proudest to have made Amethyst laugh. Not sure why.

All of them started to head to Stevens house,while talking about next to anything and everything.
Upon arriving first thing that the female noticed was the strange glass-looking thing (probably a huge coffee stand or pad or some shit.) in a hallway further inside. Huh. Steven knocked me out of thought,as he grabbed me hand and dragged me up a series of stairs,to see a bed and a Tv
"It's my bedroom!"
Oh. That's why?
"Huh.. it's cool!"
Y/N smiled,politely as she glanced around the posters,teddy bears and so on.
Steven just grinned and went on and on about some game of his.
Garnet,Pearl and Amethyst were no longer in sight. Where did they go?

The female, ran a hand through her hair.
The dye was fading,and she'd have to re-paint it soon. But it was quite warm at the moment,and doing that was always in a way,refreshing. She finally tuned into his words. She didn't realize how rude it was from her side.
"-And then Pearl poofed! So she kinda just stayed in her gem for two weeks or so!"
Wait,poofed? Gem?
"Gem?" She questioned,unsure of what he meant.
"Yeah! The crystal gems! Them and I always go around,saving the world."
He posed proudly.

Y/N just couldn't take him seriously.
This kid is probably six,so... that should have some meaning to his words. But then he nods and 'explained' to her.
"It's like,they're from a different planet,and everything like that!"
Huh... Maybe that explains their skin colour?
...Nah,aliens are so five minutes ago.

So several hours went by,before a door infront of the crystal looking pad opened,as it lit up in purple.
Amethyst walked out.
Wait,they all have gem names. Apart from Steven,but seriously,maybe he did say something kind of true.
Amethyst walked upstairs and sat beside Y/N and soon joined in the conversation, confirming everything Steven said. Soon they started talking to each other about missions or something of the sort.
I just listened,more and more interested by the second. This would make for a really cool tv series.

Y/N joined in the conversation,asking questions and so on.
The topics soon quickly changed,and ranged from her dyed hair,to her love life (which was nonexistent (at the moment)) and to the gems.
She came to the conclusion that the whole thing about gems and everything was true as they had Gems stuck to places of their body,which couldn't come off.
Steven was awesome,and so was Amethyst.
Amethyst had an amazing personality,always casual,always funny and sassy.
Steven however was adorable and optimistic.
She's just...

...I'm definitely coming over again tomorrow.

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