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Blade's P.O.V

They all got in a huge circle and waited on me. I teleported onto wynter's lap and smiled at him. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I noticed the other guys glaring at him...even silver. Hmmm what's that all about? I cleared my throat. "Ok..L.J you go first" he sat there thinking for about 2 minutes and looked ar Jane. "Jane truth or dare?" she smirked. "Truth" he frowned...I guess he had a pretty good plan going on in his head? " is it true you only pick on Jeff because you loovvveee him?" she froze. Oh yeah she likes him. "u-umm. ...pfftt no I mean..w-why would I like Jeff?" Jeff smiled at her and she blushed and looked down. I felt a big sting in my stomach and whimperd. They looked at me and L.J frowned. "are you okay blade?" I clutched my stomach and nodded not making eye contact because my eyes were squeezed shut and probably green by now. My eyes change colors based on my emotions. "Guys...take her to E.J's room she's not okay" Jeff picked me up and whispered in my ear on the way to E.J's room. "shhhh it's gonna be okay I promise I'm right here don't be scared" I held on to him and sobbed. This pain in my stomach is excruciating. What's happening to me? Jeff layed me down on a table and E.J hovered over me. "When's the last time you had sex?" My eyes widened. "i-i...haven't" he nodded and took out that thing they use on your belly when your prego. He put the jelly on which was very cold by the way and moved it around on my stomach. Everyone chose this time to walk in. They all screamed. "BLADE'S PREGNANT????" I stared hyperventilating. "Guys calm down your scaring her" Jeff held my hand and it calmed me down a bit. "Well...I don't know how but blade......your pregnant" I froze. What the hell. HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? I've never..."done it"not here atleast. ..I don't wanna talk about it. I promised my self only after I became a creepypasta. "blade...?" BEN waved his hand in my face. That's when reality struck me. This wasn't a Joke. This was real...and I'm pregnant. I started crying...and crying and crying. I couldn't stop. Eventually everyone came over to me and we did a big group hug. Minus Jane and clockwork. I sighed finally out of tears to cry. "What am I gonna do? I don't even know how this happened" BEN looked at me. "Have you ever...been pregnant before?"  I looked down and another tear feel. Oops spoke to soon. " said you haven't done it before. .." I glared at E.J. "Maybe I don't wanna tell you yet..." All the guys mouths fell open and I just ran to my room. Shutting the door with my finger and locking it. I curled up on my bed and sobbed. I never wanted to remember that day. It was the worst day of my life. I'll never forgive him. One after one after one the guys crashed into my room. Couldn't knock so they HAD to break the door down...nice. I wonder why slender never hears any of this. Silver ran over to me. "blade are you okay???" I shook my head and wynter scooped me up into his arms. "Sit down and listen If you really wanna know okay?" they sat down and looked at me waiting for answers. So much for not remembering.  "I was 12 when it family wasn't normal,  they were abusive and hated me. My dad was the worst he always ..touched me in places I wouldn't like to be touched. I was used to it until one day....ruined my life. I came home from school and my father was sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand watching football, He looked at me and got up. "Go put your stuff up and go to my room" I nodded at walked up to my room to put my things away. When I was done I walked to his room and he was sitting on the bed. I knew what was going to happen. He pushed me into the middle of the room and made me undress in front of him. I knew there was no way out of this. He pushed my naked body onto the bed and started undressing until he was only in his boxers. I closed my eyes but I couldn't hold back the tears that were coming. He smacked me and told me to stop crying that I'd feel better once it was over. I...I think you know what happend next.....I got raped by my own father." They gasped and started crying silently. "Well.. a week or two later I started getting morning sickness and I couldn't stop eating. I instantly knew what was going on. I was pregnant. My belly showed it. I told my mom and she just punched me in the face telling me my father would never do that. After school one day....I didn't go straight home I went to the doctors. I was friends with my doctor so I knew she wouldn't tell. I told her what happened minus the rape part and she checked me out. She did the thing that E.J did to my stomach and said I was Indeed pregnant. I asked her if the baby was healthy. The baby was healthy and I needed to come back next month but to be very careful because I have a living being inside of me now. Yeah...I was 12 and pregnant with my father's child but other than that the only thing I cared about was my baby. I got bigger and bigger until I was about the size of a volley ball. I was walking home and I passed the hospital when my water broke. I was panicking and called for help. A middle aged lady helped my and took me into the hospital where my little baby boy was born." I took a deep breath. All of their mouths were opened. "December 16th,2009 my baby was born. Chaos angel Lancaster. He was so beautiful. ..I loved him so much." then I started crying. "I had to take him home...but I knew something bad would happen so I called my doctor and asked her for help. She picked me up and drove me to her house. I told her I didn't wanna take chaos home with me because I didn't want something to happen to the baby. I asked her if I could keep the baby with her and I'd come and see him everyday after school. She agreed and I stayed there for the rest of the night happy as ever with my beautiful baby boy. My plan all worked out until my doctor got into a bad car crash and died. ..she left 2 envelopes in the drawer and money on the counter. She saved around 2,000 dollars and letters for me and chaos. Unfortunately everything went down hill and I had to sneak the baby in. I couldn't let my parents see him...especially dad. I got the baby set up in my room where my parents wouldn't see him. Thank god he didn't cry. I sat him in his bassinet and went to the bathroom to make him a bottle. My mom came into my room and I prayed she didn't see him...that's when I heard crys. I left the water running and ran out into my room to see my mom holding chaos by the arm." I had to stop because I was full on sobbing now. "She stomped over to me and smacked me. "what the hell is this?" "a baby" "WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE A BABY?"  I tried to grab the baby from her but she held him up out of my reach. "BECAUSE DAD RAPED ME AND I GOT PREGNANT" my dad chose that time to come into my room. "what's going on in her- WHAT'S THAT" I growled. "IT'S A BABY MY BABY THAT YOU PUT INSIDE OF ME" he kicked me repeatedly in my stomach. My mom walked out of the roon with my baby and my dad followed behind locking me in my room. It was silent. ..until I heard my baby screaming and screaming and screaming. I started sobbing and yelling for them to let me out...they were killing my baby. My baby. My chaos. Dead. The sink was overflowing with water by now but I couldn't care. The only thing I cared about was my baby. Then..everything went silent. No more more crying more yelling. Mg door opened and my mom threw me a bloody container then locked me in my room again. I then realized that my baby was cut up..into peices and stuffed in a container. I screamed and screamed and screamed...only to hear my parents laughing. I never had a child again....." I looked at them and they ran to me and gave me the biggest hug ever. We were all sobbing to death. I never wanted to remember that. Ever. I want my baby back. NOW. We all fell asleep cuddled up in each others arms. I can't believe that just happend. Never again will I tell that story...and this time I mean it.

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~Chaos angel Lancaster. ..beautiful baby boy. you know but how did she get pregnant? This wasn't exactly truth or uh sorry about that .-. but Just think of all the possible things that can happen. What a mean and cruel thing to do to a baby ;-; I cried while writing this chapter...@allyandpenelope sorry..I had to use my baby's name. But seriously if I ever had a baby boy that will be his name..opinions? Hope you liked!! byeeeeee <3 ~

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