She's not okay

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Ticci-toby's P.O.V

She never came out. After she got those toothbrushes she went in and she never came out. We were all still downstairs when we heard her start blasting music. I just shrugged it off like it was nothing. 20 minutes then her music turned off. I decided to go check on her since everyone else was too scared to go near her. 2..4..6..8 I walked 2 steps at a time until I got to her room. I hesitated but turned the knob and quickly shut the door behind me. Quiet. She was asleep peaceful. I sat beside her on the bed and brushed the hair out of her face. "mmhh" I quickly got up and hid in a dark corner.

Blades P.O.V

I was asleep but I felt someone ..touch me more like move my hair but yeah. I kept my eyes closed because I knew someone was there so I sorta moaned. .? I sat up and let my eyes adjust to the darkness then I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 2:30 AM hmm I wonder what time i went to bed. .? I sensed someone was watching me so I looked around but still couldn't see anything. UGH. "who is it? I know your there so just come out" Toby..stepped out of the corner. "what are you doing here?" I got up and stood in the middle of the room facing him. "I was checking on you..I wanted to make sure you were -" I rolled my eyes getting angry. "what to make sure i was okay? hmm well guess what toby NO that's the answer NO IM NOT OKAY I NEVER WAS AND I NEVER WILL BE" he flinched at my voice. I sighed "look im sorry ok" he looked at me "it's ok girls have periods I get it" My eyes widened and I hit him on the arm. "that's NOT what's wrong with me you dip shit now shut up and get out" I pushed him out of the room shut the door and jumped back in bed. It was now 3:10 AM. Damn that was a long time I'm not gonna be able to stay up tomorrow. welp I guess I'll try to sleep. night.


- still blades P.O.V-

I woke up and groaned. I looked around for a minute before I got up and stretched. I went over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, my "open your mind before your mouth" shirt, a black lace bandeau, and matching undies. Then made my way to the shower. ~AFTER THAT AWESOME SHOWER~ I quickly got dressed and left my wet hair down. I made my way down the spiral staircase and into the kitchen to see everyone stop eating to turn and look at me. I ignored their stares and got a water and turned around to leave the kitchen but E.J stopped me. "Eat something" I shook my head and drank my water. "NOW" I flinched at this sudden mood change. i went to the fridge grabbed the smallest apple I could and turned around to leave only to be stopped once again. "eat it here right now" I sighed and took small bites out of the apple until it was gone. "There happy? I ate something I don't see what the big deal is I'm perfectly fine ok?" wrong move all the boys got up and came over to me. Toby took me by my shoulders and shook me gently. "blade we're just worried about your eating problems" he got close to my ear and whispered. "I know your on your period need to be mean love" he pulled away and I blushed like mad. All the boys were looking at me confused. I covered my face and walked upstairs to my room. I heard the faint laughing of toby and slammed the door behind me.

Ticci-toby's P.O.V

AWWW she's so cute when she blushes :3 I so embarrassed her big time XD But seriously I wasn't lying we're all really worried about her eating habits. I heard her door slam and felt a bit guilty. I wanted to confort her..but she wouldn't let me anyway. We all gathered in the living room because E.J needed to talk with us (just all the guys).

Eyeless Jack's P.O.V

I gathered all the guys in the living room. I thought this was the right time to tell them about blade. "so..why are we here? I kinda have video games waitin' to be played.." BEN wouldn't shut up about the games so I told them to be quiet so I could talk. " we all know how blade's eating habits and frequent pass outs?" they all nodded. "Yeah um..I'm getting really worried about her" Jeff said as he sat up clearly interested. Does he like her? "well..guys she didn't eat lunch or dinner yesterday or the day before" L.J said as they all nodded with worried looks on their faces. "Look im not saying she has an eating disorder. ....but we all need to be watching her and make sure she eats don't go up to her and be like 'hey blade you have to eat something' just offer her to eat with you or something ..ok?" they all nodded and went to do their own thing. I went up to my room and started reading a new book.

Lost Silver's P.O.V -bet you didn't see this coming cx - I walked to blade's room. I want to talk to her. Im nervous as hell. I reached her door and took a deep breath then knocked. Nothing. I tried turning the knob but it was locked. "who is it?" it sounded like she had been crying her voice was quiet and raspy. "i-it's me l-l-lost silver" i heard her shuffling then a box opening and something dropped making a 'clink' sound. hmm metal? "shit" she whispered even though I could hear her. More shuffling...then finally she unlocked the door and pulled me in quickly locking the door again. "what do you want?" she avoided my eyes looking down. "i-i just w-w-wanted to talk.." she looked up and smiled a small smile. "what about?" I shook my head and took her hands blushing. "lost..are you okay?" she moved closer to me and squeezed my hand. I blushed and she giggles. "wanna watch a movie with me?" I nodded and then her face got serious. "look silver I don't like when peope see my body and I need to change so please don't be a perve about it.." "I w-would never" she nodded getting up and going to her dresser. She pulled out a crop top that has a heart on it and some black short shorts. oh god im nervous. "you okay? seem abit blushy" she smirked and pulled her shirt over her head and throwing it in the laundry basket. I felt my cheeks heat up and I couldn't take my eyes off her. I noticed something that's not supposed to be seen. I could see her ribs they were sticking out. Oh god..I've gotta tell the guys....but then they'd be mad I saw her naked. UGH. She continued with her pants and soon enough those were off too. Now she's just in's not a bra but ...I really don't know what girls call it (he's talking about her bandeau) and her black underwear. I think I just got a boner..yup I did. (Im sorry I had too XD) "You don't mind if I just stay like this you?" I quickly shook my head and she smiled putting her clothes back in her dresser. "w-what movie?" she pucked out TCM (texas chainsaw massacre) I smiled and she put it in. Previews. Yay!!!! "Hey I'm gonna go downstairs and get snacks ..ok?" I nodded but then stopped her realizing she didn't have clothes on. "u-um you k-know you have n-n-no clothes on ...right?" she nodded and shrugged making her way downstairs.

Blades P.O.V

I wasn't trying to flirt..I just didn't wanna get dressed and it looks like a bathing suit anyway. Yeah the boys will notice im not wearing clothes but maybe that'll distract them from my ribs. I stepped into the living room were BEN and Jeff were playing C.O.D Black ops, L.J was watching them on the couch and toby was sitting upside down on the couch playing with his hair. I walked past them and into the kitchen were masky and hoodie were in a deep conversation about god knows what. I also saw jane sitting at the end of the table playing with a knife. I hated her she was so fucking rude I dont know what I did to her but she hates me. I got to the pantry and got popcorn and a bunch of snacks. I opened the package and stuck it in the microwave. I turned around to see everyone staring at me. Even the boys in the living room camr into the kitchen. Their mouths were wide open. I smirked. "OI! Shut your mouths you'll attract flies" they closed their mouths but didn't look away. Eyeless jack walked down stairs and stopped to look. Silence. "Go put some clothes on you slut" jane glared at me and I threw a knife at her and it hit her shoulder. I smirked happy with my work and got the popcorn out and into a bowl. "um...blade where are your clothes?" Jeff asked his eyes scanning my body. "in my room , why is there a problem?" all the boys quickly shook their heads. I smiled "good" but then the worst thing happend. Eyeless looked at my ribs and gasped. "Blade..your..your ribs" I looked down and shrugged it off like it was nothing. "yeah so what?" I tossed a piece of popcorn in my mouth and looked at him. I grabbed my things and walked up to him. Grabbed his hand and sat it on my rib. "SO.WHAT.?" he flinched and shook his head. "that's not good blade" I smiled sweetly "I am perfectly fine are you trying to say something's wrong with me? " I growled "n-no your perfect" I shook my head and walked away. I was about to walk upstairs but L.J's stupid long arms grabbed me and pulled me to him as he smirked. "what do you want?" he shook his head and kissed my cheek letting me go. I quickly made my way to my room and locked the door. Tossed the snacks to Lost and jumped into the spot next to him. "it's starting.." he nodded and I snuggled into him he wrapped his arms around me and I drifted off but before I did he said something...something that shocked me. "I love you blade"

- Oh snap!!! I know it's not much but I've been busy and my life sucks right in therapy ugh..but I'll try hard to update tomorrow!!! :* love you guys. -

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