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Blade's P.O.V

*2 days later..*

It's been two days since the incident with the boys. I'm ignoring them. No matter how much they beg...I still can't forgive them yet. Anyways..moving on from that today I get to find out who the father of my baby is. Or...how it got there. I was sitting in the living room waiting slendy and everyone else. We're finding this out. ..together.  "Goodmorning Child" I just nodded and he sighed. Ever since what BEN said...I haven't been talking. "Everyone gather in the living room immediately" everyone rushed down stairs and took a seat. I didn't wanna sit by anybody so I climbed to the top of the stairs and leaped onto the window ledge and sat there. I got comfy and realized everyone was looking at me. Talk about awkward. I looked to E.J and signed. 'tell them to take a picture damn' 'you!' I glared at him. "She said to take a picture damn" I smirked. "Children settle down..we need to find a solution to a problem" I got mad and sent a telepathic message to slendy. 'i swear to god if someone calls my baby a mistake one more time I AM GOING TO LOSE IT' he "looked" at me and nodded. "Now does anyone have any ideas on how this could've happened?" BEN mumbled but I have super hearing. "she probably got raped again. ..another mistake". I AM SO MOTHER FUCKING PISSED. I jumped down from the window seal, ledge whatever. I hope that didn't hurt the baby. I stomped over to BEN and got in his face. He backed away but I only got closer. I was fucking pissed so I'm gonna make a point. I jumped ontop of the table. "LISTEN UP" everyone looked at me. "I'M DONE WITH THIS BULLSHIT ABOUT MY BABY OKAY? I GOT RAPED ONCE DID YOU HEAR THAT BEN? ONCE...and he was the best thing I could ever ask for..." I walked up to BEN and started crying. "None of my baby's are mistakes and they never will be....can we just get this over with" I sat on the table in the middle of the room and E.J came over and put the jelly on my belly. ~hehe I rymed :3~ He then moved the magic wand around showing everyone the different parts of the baby. While they we're being amazed my baby I had flashbacks. ~Flasback Start~

Silence. No screaming, no crying, ...just silence. My mom opened the door and threw me a bloody container filled with my baby. I screamed and cried. I was holding my dead baby.

      ~Flashback End~

I was brought out of my flashback by Jeff shaking me and screaming. Then everyone went quiet and just stared at me. I burst into tears and my hands lit fire. I brought my firey hands to my head and screamed. "Slendy do something" Jeff tried getting slendy but..he was gone. Jeff picked me up but dropped my right after. "OWWWWW" I screamed and clutched my stomach. Oh my god. He hurt the baby I know it. "E.J HELP ME" E.J rushed over and picked me up laying me on the table gently. I was hyperventilating so bad. He said he had to do the thing again to see if the babys gonna be okay.

E.J's P.O.V

Oh this is bad this is really bad. So normally when humans are pregnant it takes them a few weeks for the baby to develop, but since blades not fully human it's different. What I mean is blades baby grows 5 x faster. Wow. Which means she should have her baby in about a month...or two maybe three. Your probably wondering why is that..? Well...here's the really really bad part. When Jeff dropped blade the fall she took was so bad it made a wave of. ..something and that wave moved the baby. Bad I tell you BAD. How do I tell blade? She's hyperventilating like crazy. I don't wanna worry her..I know she doesn't wanna lose another child. I sighed and took blade's hand to calm her down. "blade the bab-" "What's wrong with my baby?? Please tell me it's okay.." "blade the baby might come later than expected. ...when Jeff dropped you it made the baby move.." she froze.

Blade's P.O.V

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. Jeff. "JEFF I'M GONNA KILL YOU" I got up and ran up stairs searching for him. Masky and Hoodie came out of their room. "Hey bla-" "where is he" They cowered back and stayed silent. I came closer and pushed them up against the wall. I looked at hoodie and smiled sweetly. "Hoodie. ..you'll tell me right?" He tensed. I started kissing his neck. "hoodieeeee" he nodded fastly. I put my mouth close to his and whispered. "where?" "H-he's in t-the ba-basement" I gave him a quick kiss and started running towards the basement. "Jeffery come out come out wherever you areee" I walked around the basement slowly until I stopped. Movement. "Oh Jeffery I'm not gonna hurt you lovely. ..I just wanna talk" I know where he is. He's in my hiding place..we all have our own. Mine is in the basement. I literally had masky, hoodie, and E.J help me with it. It's a big hole in the wall that lead to this cool room with a bunch of my favorite things. I crawled into the hole and saw him cowering in the corner. I sighed and sat beside him. "I'm not gonna hurt you Jeff.." he stared at me like I was crazy. "w-why not. .?" I smiled "because you didn't mean to drop me..I know you didn't" he looked down. I sat on his waist and made him look at me. "Jeff..I saw how excited you were when you came with me to see the baby....you care so much and it shows that's how I know it really was an accident so don't feel bad..please because even though it'll take awhile before the baby gets here this means you can help me plan!" he laughed and nodded. I opened my arms and he gave me a big hug. Then...he did something ...He lifted my shirt and started talking to the baby. Talk about 'awwwwww' moment. This is a rare sight..Jeff being Jeff. Not his bad boy/ player/asshole act. I like this better. We crawled back through the hole and I took his hand leading him back to the living room. Everyone stared at me in amazement. "What?" L.J chuckled. "Your in killer mode one minute then your all lovey dovey" I shrugged. "I'm bipolar okay?" They laughed and shook their heads. I gulped. "So...E.J wanna tell me how I'm pregnant?" He nodded. "Well blade...this is gonna sound impossible but...Chaos' ghost has planted something in you-" I stood up. "WHAT" Jeff tried to calm me down, but I wasn't taking it. When people mention anything about my baby I go ballistic. "WHAT THE HELL DOES MY BABY HAVE TO DO WITH THIS? HE'S DEAD IT'S NOT POSSIBLE" I breathing heavy and pacing around the room. "Okay...calm down and I'll tell you" I nodded and sat on Jeff's lap playing with his fingers. "Your not normal blade...no where near it, but when he passed he watched over you don't ask how I know because it's something I can't tell...what I'm telling you is your baby sent you this baby to make your pain go away" woah...um what? My baby boy. My beautiful chaos. Wants my pain to go away. I wonder how he's doing? Who's taking care of him? Is he mad at me? Ugh...I wish I had a sign. ~so cliche~ "Blade..earth to blade..no? ugh" I looked around and saw L.J waving his long arms in my face. I blinked 5 times. "What?" "I've been trying to get your attention for 3 minutes. ..what were you thinking about?" I looked down and shook my head. "Well um..thanks I guess" I stood up and snapped my fingers. I layed down on my bed and closed my eyes. 'tap tap tap' I opened my eyes and looked around. Eh. 'tap tap tap' I got up and went to my window. I looked down and saw a little boy who looked about 4 or 5 years old. He looked sorta like..no no no. Dead blade. Dead. But..really he looks so familiar. I teleported downstairs and ran out the door. Gone. He was gone. That's not possible if I teleported I would atleast see him running. Hmmm. I felt something tug at my hair so I turned around to see..the little boy?  He smiled and hugged my leg. I smiled back and waved. "Hi sweetie. ..what's your name?" he frowned. "You don't remember me mommy?" I froze. This little boy just called me mommy. "Chaos...?" he nodded and held his arms out. I smiled and teared up hugging him tightly. We pulled away and smiled. "Your really here? ...my baby, my beautiful chaos" he nodded. "Can you stay? or do you have to go?" the smile left his face. "I have to go mommy..but I'll come see you every day, keep my brother safe okay? I love you mommy" Mommy. Brother. "o-okay I love you too bye baby" he smiled then disappeared into thin air. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.  My dead son just visited me. He called me mommy. I'm having another boy? Hmm..I think I have a name in mind. Do I tell the guys? I mean..do they need to know? Of course they do..right? Ugh being me is so hard. That sounded selfish. I need to get my mind off of things. I walked through the forest for a few minutes, but then I saw someone. A girl. A pretty girl. Then...I blacked out.


~Is this good? Has this fueled your hunger? I hope so because I was so not in the mood to write, and i love writing. Blehh. Ok byeee~

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