Hiding my eating disorder

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Blades P.O.V

I woke up too see jeff sleeping with a mask over his eyes. I quietly got up and felt the warmth leave my body as I looked down to see I was..in my bra and underwear? we didn't. ..oh god oh no this can't be happening no no no 'calm down you didn't have sex with jeff you just took your corset off and went to bed' oh thank god!!! I went over to my bag and grabbed a collide with the sky shirt , galaxy shorts (with the studs), and my black and white converse. I got my undergarments [^~^]  and set them out with my clothes. "OW FUCKING HELL" I stubbed my toe then tripped and faceplanted the floor. Jeff stirred but didn't wake up. WOW thanks jeff I now know I can count on you when someone breaks in and trys to kill me -_- I waddled to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Bloody nose and a really red toe ; c Cold..Hot..Warm! I stripped from my undergarments and jumped in the shower. Feeling the warm water cascade down my body was refreshing. Lavender shampoo and conditioner with vanilla body wash. After I was done I turned off the water and grabbed a towl drying my body and hair making sure there wasn't water dripping everywhere. Jeff was still asleep and I looked at the clock to see it was..7 AM?!?!? WHY AM I UP SO EARLY? Well...to late now! I locked the door seeing as we live in a house full of boys (not including sally or any other girl in the house) when i was for sure it was locked I dropped my towl and grabbed my underwear when I heard a whistle. I looked to see jeff was clearly awake and enjoying the veiw. I smiled sweetly and tilted my head to the side. "I suggest you look away before I just never show you this anymore" I smirked when he frowned (if that's possible with a permanent smile) and looked away. I continued getting dressed. When I was done I jumped on top of jeff and looked down at him. "what do you see in this anyway im fat and not perfect or beautiful" he looked at me surprised "those are lies and in my eyes you are perfect" I didn't even blush which was weird since I always do..but I didn't instead I just ran downstairs. Maybe if I talk to the other guys I'll forget about what happened. I walked into the kitchen and saw that E.J was eating kidneys ..hmm I wonder if those are good maybe I can ask for some later. anyways sally was eating cereal, masky and hoodie were eating cheesecake, and L.J was eating candy. Masky noticed me and smiled. "Hey blade you must be hungry you didn't eat all day yesterday" that was true but I was fat enough I didn't need to eat so I smiled and shook my head. "No thanks..im fine" he looked worried but went nodded and went back to eating his cheesecake. I grabbed a water and went into the living room where BEN was playing Assassin's creed very loud actually. "Hey BEN" he glanced at me and smiled "Hey blade how are you this fine and lovely morning?" I laughed "You haven't looked outside have you?" he shook his head "It's raining. .." he "coughed" "pshh i..I was just kidding" I nodded and sat down beside him watching his character in the game. "BLADE WHERE ARE YOU?" Jeff..oh no I really don't wanna talk to him right now I know that sounds a little harsh but..you know. so I whispered to BEN. "BEN...BEN" he paused his game -WHAAA? 0.0 BEN pause a game? Yeah right- "what? and why are you whispering?" i shushed him and pulled him upstairs. "hide me BEN please I don't wanna talk to jeff right now I'll tell you why later just please help me" he smirked pulling me into a closet. "and for that?" I sighed "just tell me what you want" he pointed to his cheek and I quickly kissed his cheek. "T-thanks" I nodded smiling.


AHHH SHE JUST KISSED MY CHEEK AHHHHH OK BEN shhh calm down keep the crazy on the inside and calm on the outside.

Blades P.O.V

He was blushing like crazy and I was over here trying not to laugh caise he looked so cute like a little kid  on Christmas morning! I thought it was about time to face my fears and just go with It I could just give jeff the silent treatment and use sign language. I walked out of the closet and made my way downstairs to see everyone in the living room tripping balls.

~XD sorry I had too~ "What's going on here?.." I asked as I grabbed my water everyone stopped freaking out and glared at jeff. "she's RIGHT THERE YOU IDIOT" L.J yelled at jeff "in the flesh" I sat down by eyeless and just drank my water until it was gone. "well I need another one of these. ..I'll be back" I walked to the kitchen but got really lightheaded. I tried to get a hold of the chair but fell making it fall over. I was on the floor and everything was really blurry. "BLADE" who was it..? Oh L.J I could feel his long arms wrap around me. "get her water BEN ..NOW" everyone was freaking out no one knew what was happening. ..except me. I rolled out of laughing's arms and clutched my stomach curling up into a ball. Laughing pulled me into his arms and gave me the water. "Drink it your probably dehydrated" I took the water and sucked it down wanting them to believe I was dehydrated. Truth was I didn't just not eat yesterday. ..I haven't eaten anything in 4 days , just liquids. He sat me down on the couch but I got up and tried to walk only to fall into eyeless jack's arms. He pulled me onto his lap and signed to me. 'you need to eat something you haven't eaten in a day that's bad'  i sighed and signed back. 'Im perfectly fine, just dehydrated that's all' everyone was watching us confusion written all over there faces. '  eat something NOW'  I whined as he pulled me to the kitchen grabbed an apple and sat it in front of me. "UGH do I HAVE too?" he crossed his arms and nodded "and we're NOT leaving till you do" I sighed and slowly took a bite of the apple and another and another and so on till I wad done. "good job blade now please start eating more" I nodded and walked out to everyone in the living room.  "I DON'T MAKE PROMISES OK? IM PISSED RIGHT NOW SO DONT FUCKING MESS WITH ME" they all nodded and I stomped up to Jeff's room got my stuff then ran to my room. I quickly shut the door and locked it. It was quiet until I burst out in tears of  and regret and hate. Regret - eating their gonna kill me. Hate - myself for being so fat that I have to starve myself. I screamed out in anger then unlocked the door and ran downstairs to slender's office. 'KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK' "who is it?" "b-blade" "come in child" I opened the door and looked down. "What can I help you with my dear child?" I sighed "d-do you have two extra t-toothbrushes I can use..?" he stayed quiet for a minute but then 2 toothbrushes appeared in front of me. Purple and Crimson -blood red- . "T-thank you sir" he nodded and I made my way out. As I walked pass the living room everyone stopped their conversations and stared at me ..um I felt very uncomfortable. "Take a picture it'll last longer" I snapped. Masky was eyeing the toothbrushes. "what are 'those' for..?" blank my STUPID MIND WENT BLANK. "um...for brushing my teeth..duh" they all knew I was lying but let me go. Yes! I made it to my room shut and locked the door once again. Ran to my bathroom and sat myself over the toilet seat. *TRIGGER WARNING PLEASE SKIP IF YOU ARE EASILY TRIGGERED BY THESE THINGS* I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. WAIT! I jumped up and grabbed my phone then blasted music cause don't wanna make a lot of noise..yeah..ok. -BACK IN THE BATHROOM SAME POSITION- One..Two..Three..Four..BAM I could feel the apple that I ate coming up and I held my hair back. *puking sounds -2 minutes later-* WHEW! That was okay I'm happy the apple is no longer in my stomach and I feel..a little tiny weenie bit of pride. I know what you must be thinking 'what happened to you?' ~I hope that's what your thinking~ well It all started in 6th grade... ~STORY TIME~ 6th grade a new year at a new middle school..YAY!! -_- My mom pulled up to the school. "Get out you little shit" I quickly jumped out as she sped away. Anyway i walked into the school with my head down making my way to the office to get my schedule. "Ooh look girls NEW meat!" Blonde.Fake..everything. Crew of Skanks. Yay me!!! I made my way into the office where there was a nice old looking lady sitting at the desk. I cleared my throat. She looked up and smiled. "Hello darling how may I help you?" "im new here my name is blade, blade trench. She looked through a stack of papers and handed me my schedule. "and I have someone that will show you around and be your guide, wynter please come introduce yourself" that's the day me and wynter became best friends! I'll spear you the details and tell you this those fakes bullied me. called me names and beat me. until..one day they really got to me. -in bathroom- "wow your so fat like a pig and a cow put together" they laughed. .I sighed and rolled my eyes "whatever" she giggled "you should go starve yourself you big fat cow no wonder nobody wants you your to freaking fat and ugly!" she punched me and kicked me until I started bleeding then she walked out the girls following her.~STORY TIME OVER~ Yeah..there was more but I don't like to talk about it. I felt tired and weak so I unlocked my door then hopped into bed instantly falling asleep.

Eyeless Jack's P.O.V

She hasn't been eating..I made her eat an apple but that's all I could get her to eat. I don't know why she thinks she's fat..or ugly too me she's perfect and I wish I could tell her about my feelings for her but it's too early and not the right time. I guess we'll let fate decide what happens next. I just hope she starts eating again. I wonder if those toothbrushes were really just for brushing..I mean she couldn't be p-...no she wouldn't. .......would she? I really hope I can help her see that she really is beautiful and get her healthy again.

Jeff's P.O.V

Blade's freaking me out with all the almost passing out and no promises stuff..what did that mean? I wonder what I did I mean she's been ignoring me ever since I told her she was perfect to me..hmm I hope this all blows over tomorrow.

Laughing Jack's P. O.V

Im really worried about blade I mean I honestly don't think it was from dehydration. Masky did say she hasn't eaten anything in a day..I hope I can help her get too feeling better I hate seeing her like this. Frowning. ..no I want to see her beautiful smile and her dark brown eyes glow with excitement. I'll admit I know I only met her yesterday but I think I'm falling for her.......HARD. She's just so beautiful and so skinny..too skinny but still perfect to me.

Masky's P.O.V

Dehydration really?  She hasn't eaten ANYTHING in a day..from what I heard I mean I hope it's just a day. Wait..she's starving herself but ..why? Does she honestly think she's not skinny? SHE'S A FREAKING TOOTHPICK!! She's beautiful and skinny and just plain perfect. I need to watch how she eats..I want her to be happy and healthy. I..I think I like her....and I mean like like her you know what I mean? Like..not just like but like like..? Yes no? Bear with me I get confused too.

Hoodie's P.O.V

Long black hair. Big dark brown eyes. Pale..almost snow white skin. She's perfectly perfect and I'm scared that she's going down hill. When masky said she hasn't eaten anything in a day. I was shocked but now im truly scared someone as beautiful as she is woud do that to themselves. She's not fat she's skinny..waaayyy skinny.Not ugly.Not average. PERFECT. She needs help and I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I LOVE BLADE.

Ticci-toby's P.O.V

Blades beautiful. when I first saw her I was thankful for my mask cause I blushed so hard! But I think we've all noticed something's off with her eating habits..or maybe it is dehydration. We need to get to the bottom of this and help her start eating again!

-Will the boys find out blades big secret? I wonder who tells blade their feelings first? Will blade get better or worst? hmmm I guess we'll find out in the next chapter. ..maybe! Thank you guys so much for the likes and votes and comments I appreciate it so much!! I love you guys hope you like this chapter it is now 2:27 PM I am going to sleep night night :* -

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