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Blade's P.O.V

So today's the day I have to tell slendy about my powers. The boys have been bugging me about it for 2 days now and this was my breaking point. ~In the game room~

"come on blade you HAVE to tell him sooner or later" I nodded ignoring every word jeff was saying. "he's right blade you need to tell him now so you can start training and become one of us!" BEN said still playing mario kart. Ignored. "b-blade stop i-i-ignoring us" hoodie stepped infront of me and masky nodded. "HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO LISTEN TO YOU?" BEN stopped his videogame and looked at me. "you..just listen?" I rolled my eyes getting frustrated. I was getting angry and before I yell..I whisper. "you guys.. I know what I have to do but i should get to choose when that happens" Jeff and BEN got out of the red and green beanbags and sat on each side of me. "look blade..we know we're pressuring you about this but don't you wanna go through computers and phones like me? You know you can bug the hell out of people with glitching it makes them so mad it's fucking hilarious!!" I sighed and put my head in my hands. Masky and hoodie sat on the sides of my legs. "guys...can you be there when I tell him?" they looked at eachother worried I looked up and shrugged.  "there..there's my answer so NO I will NOT be telling slender about anything" I got up and walked towards the door with my head down but bumped into something. "where'd that wall come from?" I soon found out it wasn't a wall. "what are we not telling me child?" I looked up and sighed turning back around. "FUCK" I felt him glaring at me. "we do not use such language in this household" I scoffed "clearly you don't monitor anyone to know that Jeff and BEN cuss more than anyone in this house, practically all of us get the green from BEN, and all the boys keep porno mags" All the boys were glaring at me by this point. "I'll take care of that later..but right now what are we not telling me? " Jeff and BEN thought it would be nice to get payback RIGHT NOW. "blade has powers" they said smirking at me. Masky and Hoodie just nodded. "and when did you plan on telling me this child?" "never" I muttered under my breath. "pardon me?" "oh... soon enough!" I took a deep breath and put on a fake smile. "yes, slenderman I do indeed have powers I just...haven't shown them all in a while" it was quiet for a few seconds until slender cleared his throat and nodded. "very well then..meet me in the training room in 2 days....prepare yourself" he then disappeared into a cloud of black smoke. I turned around to face the boys and smiled evily. "you've pissed me off now boys" they tried to run around me but I pointed my finger at them and threw them at the wall. Then i put a freeze spell on them neck down. They looked absolutely terrified. I smiled sweetly. "Now..what have we learned from messing with me boys?" Jeff scoffed "your spells won't work for long it'll wear off" I smiled "well..since you clearly wanna see how long my spell works for I'll just keep you up there K?" their eyes widened and all their heads shook fastly. I pointed my finger at maksy, hoodie,and BEN letting them fall to the ground. "Now Jeffery I'm gonna come back in 3 hours to check on you Bye bye!" I smirked watching the boys run away and continued walking downstairs.

Jeff's P.O.V

Did she seriously just leave me up here? SHE LEFT  ME HERE!!! I'M GONNA DIE I'M GONNA DIE....~Time skip 20 minutes~ Well shit she's really not coming back is she? Guess I'm gonna have to toughen up for 3 hours. ~2 minutes later~ I can't do this .-.

Blade's P.O.V

I'm standing outside the game room where jeff is and I'm trying not to laugh. I'm reading his thoughts and I'm about to die..from laughter. 'I'M GONNA DIE I'M GONNA DIE' XD oh god I let it slip "HAHAHA" I was now on the floor in the middle of the doorway laughing my ass off.

Jeff noticed and looked confused. "why are you laughing. ..?" "i-i read y-your thoughts..."  he freaked out "YOU CAN READ THOUGHTS TOO???" I nodded and stood up going over to jeff. "I'll let you go..but you have to get me a birthday present!!" he looked surprised. "just like that..a birthday present?" I noddd and jumped up and down like a little kid. "I've already asked everyone else" "when's your birthday? " "tomorrow" his eyes widened "a little late aren't we?" I giggled and nodded lettting him out of the spell but making him levitate so he wouldn't fall. I grabbed his and and skipped to to kitchen where dinner was being held.

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