Not My Michael Pt 4

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TW: Swearing but when is there not

also sorry this took forever to upload I have had phone issues and been looking for my stolen tablet

(To canon Jeremy and swap Michael)

Jeremy was driving himself and Michael back to his Michael's house, glad to know that his boyfriend was okay.

"H-How did they call us?" Michael asked and Jeremy shrugged. "I guess we could c-call each other after I get home...y-you wanna trade numbers? That way we can contact each o-other when we aren't in awkward situations?"

"Alright." Jeremy stopped the car, reciting his phone number to the other Michael, and got out of the car, making his way towards the front door, Michael behind him.


"Did you say s-something?" Michael asked and Jeremy turned around, shaking his head and opening the door.

"You know I'm not going to go away that easily..."

"Hey J-Jeremy...I'm...I might be going crazy but I think I'm hearing the Squip again." Michael muttered and Jeremy stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at Michael.

"Now you're getting it..."

"What does it want?" Jeremy grabbed Michael's hand and looked at him with fear in his eyes.

"I don't k-know." Michael whispered and Jeremy himself felt the presence of the Squip...his Squip though.

" can't get rid of me so easily either."

"Shit...W-What do you want?" Jeremy asked, hearing the familiar sounds of pixels manifesting behind him and turning to see the Keanu Reeves look a like.

"You know why I'm here. I haven't completed my goal...and I see that Michael is out of the picture. So I'm going to accomplish my goal this time." Jeremy's grip tightened, and Michael gripped back, staring at his Squip, which stood a few mere feet from him.

"Michael you have no reason to be scared of me." It was walking towards him and he wanted to be with his Jeremy. He wanted to be somewhere else...not here. "I just want to help you get what you wanted...and now that we're without the one flaw in my plan...I can do that." Michael's breath quickened as the Squip pulled up a red screen, and on that screen were multiple names... but it didn't press them. It looked over at Jeremy and smiled evilly. "Up up down down left right A." Jeremy's body loosened and his eyes were glowing red.

"Shit s-shit! no shit...." Michael stared at the lifeless zombie of this other version of his boyfriend standing in front of him...and he felt sobs escape his throat.

"Don't cry Michael, look at him, he's much better off than he was before." The Squip clapped and Jeremy was scared Michael...

He pulled his phone out and dialed his Jeremy's number, praying he would answer...


"J-Jeremy...I need y-you..or..okay ask the other Michael w-where his MDR is..." Jeremy did as instructed on the other end of the line.

"He says it's in his upstairs minifridge. Does that mean the Squip came back?"

" got to the other Jeremy...and I-I don't...I don't know how to stop it by myself...." Michael was walking upstairs when he heard another voice on the phone. That universe's Michael.

"Wait did you say Jeremy got Squipped!?"


"Well hurry the hell up and get the MDR!"

"Your minif-fridge is locked."

"Okay the combination is 06-01-00. Jeremy's birthday."

"G-Got it!!" Michael pulled the Mountain Dew Red out and opened it.

"Michael you know what happened last time and you don't wanna go through that again."

"Actually I don't c-care about that...not anymore." Michael took a large chug of the drink and dropped it afterwards, falling to the floor and gripping his hair tightly. He heard Jeremy screaming downstairs, and could hear his Jeremy screaming over the phone as his eyes blacked out and closed..


Jeremy had woken up first, and ran upstairs to find Michael passed out on the ground with a bottle of Mountain Dew Red next to him...he realized something...different...about Michael now.

It didn't look like the Michael he'd been with only mere hours, minutes...?...ago. He crawled over to him and gently grabbed his arm, a smile wide across his face when he realized his Michael was back.

He shook him gently and watched as he sat up, rubbing his head and adjusting his glasses.

He froze when realizing he had his glasses back. He looked at his clothes and then at Jeremy, and smiled as he basically tackled his boyfriend to the floor in giggles.

"Jeremy oh my God you're okay... I missed you so much..." Michael whispered,through sobs, kissing Jeremy and enjoying it when Jeremy kissed back.

"How did....h-how did you get back?"

"I dunno. I guess it was the Squips that screwed us over. But you're never gonna believe it, the other universe's Jake and Rich were so weird, Jake had a lisp, not Rich, and was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced. And were like me."

"I'm just glad we're both okay..."

"Same...I wonder how the other us are doing."

(To the swap au)

"Shit...Michael? Michael? Are you okay? You blacked out and....wait a second....Mikey?" Jeremy grabbed Michael's hands and watched as he stirred awake, and looked up at him. "Mikey!?"

"Remy!" Jeremy knew then and there that this was his Michael and he quickly wrapped arms around him, kissing his cheek a multitude of times, crying from seeing him again.

"How the hell did the Squip reactivate?"

"I-I dunno. But I don't c-care... I'm back...I'm home...I m-missed you..."

"I'm glad you're home Mikey...I was so worried you were gonna get hurt...well I guess I can call Rich and Jake and tell em they don't have to come over..."

"Wait w-what?"

"They were gonna help me get you back."

"Oh...Oh yeah! I got that other you's p-phone number! We can call them and see if they're ok!"

"That's probably a good idea. Put it on speaker."

"O-Okay." Michael called and pressed the speaker button, waiting for a response.


Ok sorry that took so long to get uploaded but it's Heere now
And if that's Jeremy or Michael answering
It's up to you
But that ended that miniseries
Idk when the next upload will be but I do hope this suffices for the wait i put u guys through

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