PunkStel Family(this has Boyfs and Kleinsen bc why not)

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Punk Jerm and Pastel Micha AU. Bit different than the one in the last book
By that I mean DEH references!! Oh and Jeremy didn't date the jerk that was Eric. He's only dated Christine and Brooke. And Michael obviously.

TW: swearing
Also if fluff can kill
Be prepared.

"Micha, love what are you doing?" Jeremy asked, walking into the kitchen to see Michael at the table with a bunch of flowers.

"I'm makin' you something." Michael replied innocently, grabbing another flower and Jeremy walked over to see. "No. It's a surprise, you aren't allowed to look."

"Fine, I'll just...Oh right, my step bro and his boyfriend are coming over later. You'll get along with his boyfriend."

"Okay." Michael giggled before continuing to weave his creation.

Jeremy decided to take a nap on the couch but before he could he was woken up.

"I'm done."

"That was quick." Jeremy chuckled before feeling something on his wrist.

"It's a bracelet. I used purple flowers because pink and blue can make purple and I like pink and you like blue, and black because you got the punk look." Michael explained cheerfully, a smile on his face the whole time.

"Aww thanks Mikey." Jeremy softly placed a kiss to Michael's forehead and Michael turned red with blush. "C'mere." Michael sat down and Jeremy held him in his arms, blush in his face as well. "You're too adorable." Michael hid his face in his hoodie's sweater paws and Jeremy smiled as he moved his hands to Michael's waist and began tickling him.

"Jeremy why? That's my tickle spot!?"

"Exactly. This is punishment for being so damn adorable." Jeremy and Michael were both laughing on the couch, Michael trying to tickle him back but failing.

Eventually they stopped, and were now cuddled into a sweaty hug, when the doorbell rang.

"Okay that's Evan. Michael, stay there okay." Michael nodded, gently adjusting his flower crown and smiling.

Jeremy went to the door and opened it, invisible joy on his face as he seen his older brother.



The two stood in a rather intense silence before laughing and wrapping an arm around the other's shoulder.

"That's the best stoic face you've ever pulled." Jeremy laughed out and Evan quickly ruffled his hair and smiled.

"No it's not."

"Oh my gosh Evan did you just smile!?" That was Evan's boyfriend.

"Jeremy, you remember Jared right?"

"How could I forget, he's practically like your version of Michael. Speaking of, Mikey, you wanna meet my step bro!?"

"Coming Jeremy!!" Michael ran over to Jeremy, gently wrapping his sweater paws around the bottom of the taller male's torso.

"Evan, this is Michael. Micha, this is Evan, and that's his boyfriend Jared." Michael waved, still hugging Jeremy tightly though. "So we gonna catch up or what?"

"Okay." Evan put his hands in his pants pocket before walking into the house. "I'm going to assume the flowers are Michael's thing?"

"He decorated the entire house with them. I love em, they actually smell better than anything I could've decorated with."

"I think that the flowers hypnotized my boyfriend. Jeremy what do I do?"

"Ask him if he wants to make flower crowns with Michael?"

"I heard flower crowns." Jared randomly popped up behind Evan and was smiling wide.

"Babe your crown is in your face." Evan chuckled a bit, pushing Jared's flower crown out of his eyes. "And yes you did hear flower crowns."

"Michael's in the kitchen making flower things." With that, Jared ran apast them both and was plopped next to Michael at the kitchen table in mere seconds.

"Jeremy was this a good idea?"

"I have zero clue."

"They're too damn pure for their own good I swear."

"They're gonna make some many flowers crowns we'll be drowning in them."


(To the kitchen)

"And this one is the one I made that was Jeremy themed, and this one is just rainbow because I'm gay, this one is themed after pastel colors, this one's themed after neon colors, oh this one isn't even a flower bracelet, it's a bracelet Jeremy got me." Michael was showing off his many bracelets, all of which were on his arm, to Jared, who was in absolute awe, being a pastel himself. "Now. Let's make flower crowns."

"I can roll with that." And at that point the two boys were weaving flower crowns together, the only thing on their minds probably being their boyfriends.

(Time skip, who wants to claim and name this one?)

About an hour later, Michael practically ran into the living room and laid on Jeremy. Evan smirked at this before practically being choked from behind by Jared. Jeremy smirked back at this and Evan rolled his eyes.

"Jeremy, I made us matching flower crowns. They're the colors of the Pac-Man ghosts." Michael held up to flower crowns and Jeremy took the smaller one and placed it on his head. "It looks so good on you!!" Jeremy then took the other and placed it on Michael's head.

"Looks better on you love." He then proceeded to kiss Michael, who smiled into the kiss.

"Jeremy I swear he's turning you softer every day." Jeremy sent Evan a bird, and Evan covered Jared's eyes quickly.

"Evan why are you covering my eyes?"

"It's... don't worry about it babe."

"Okay. Oh I made you a crown and a bracelet. They're baby blue since I know that's your favorite color." Evan gently kissed Jared's soft lips, taking the crown and placing it in his own head.

"I love it baby. It's beautiful, but not like you."

"Who's soft now Hansen?" Jeremy asked, now holding Michael in his arms and smirking.

"Can it Heere. I make it work."

"No you don't."

"Take that back!"


"Jeremy please stop yelling." Michael mumbled and Jeremy looked down and nodded.

"Of course love." He gently nuzzled Michael's nose with his own and the two smiled while looking into each other's eyes. "I love you my little flower boy."

"I love you too-" Michael quickly yawned before continuing, "-Jeremy." Jeremy smiled, yawning right after.

"Aww Evan they yawned consecutively that's adorable. It means they're close." Jared squealed and Evan nodded through giggles.

"Too bad for them we yawn in sync."

"Not everything is a competition with me Hansen." Jeremy mumbled and Evan rolled his eyes.

They all ended up sleeping on their own sides of the couch that night.

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