The Girls

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pics of the girls------------------------>

Hi I'm Alexis or some people call me Alex or Ali, I'm 16 years old and have two amazing friends Jenni and Nikki I love them to death. I am currently single and really not looking. I go to Rocky high school, I can say I'm not a nerd but I do like to read and get good grade, I wouldn't call myself popular but a lot of people like me. I have an older brother named Trey jr or Tj. I also get bullied by the schools jock and team captain, I hate Isaac his the worst person in the whole world and the worst thing is his my brothers friend, Ugh anyways my favorite color is Purple and blue, I live with my parents my mom is a known business woman and my dad is a drunk, whenever he drinks he also abuses me and mom is never there to see. 

HELLOO I'm Jennifer but my friends call me Jenni or Jen, I'm the loud one of the group and love to have fun and listen to music, I'm 16 years old and go to Rocky high school with my two best friends since third grade I don't know what I would do without them, I live with my mom, my dad died in train wreck, I have two younger twin brothers Jake and Justin They can be a pain but they're cool sometimes, Just like Ali I also get bullied by Johnathan, him and Isaac r always picking on Ali and I and its getting really annoying , I hate them. My favorite color is Baby blue and pink.Well I got to go pick up the boys from practice TTYL 

Hi I'm Nicole but I liked to be called Nikki, I'm 16 years old and I go to Rocky high with Ali and Jenni, I'm usually the shy girl that doesn't speak a lot and I get picked on bout it by Nathan and his friends, they also pick on Ali and Jenni, I can't stand them, I'm the fashion one of the group I like to stay with the latest trends and styles, My favorite color is Red and Black, I live with my mom, Dad, and sister Tina, I'm not very fond of her cuz she made a really bad reputation for herself by hooking up with every single guy she meets and I'm tired of it.     

Hello I'm Tina and yea you could say I've hooked up with every guy in the school I don't care, I'm 17 years old and I go to Rocky high with my ugly sister Nicole, I can't stand her because she thinks she's so cute with her clothes and her hair, Ugh its disgusting, I'm the head cheerleader of the school and what people would say the slut of the school since I open my legs for any boy that walks by me , I'm not ashamed of who I am and what I do, I also can't stand Alexis,s he thinks she's all popular and all the girls look up to her, thats bullshit, her and Jennifer should go somewhere with themselves, Now that I think bout it there is still three boys that I haven't hooked up with, But Isaac, John, and Nate r always on Alexis, Jennifer, and Nicole's sac's, don't worry one day they will be mine. Well I'm gonna go, Kisses 

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