Sick Destiny

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He chuckles and puts his feet back on the floor. "Well, here I am in the flesh, girl. Drinking blood right across from you, Lord Motte, himself." He smirks, pleased with himself and even more pleased with my reluctant response. 

I finish my wine and look to the bottle longingly. I will need it if I ever want to get out of this conversation. 

"Pour all you like." He answers without me having to ask. 

I nod a silent thanks and do just that. "It's delectable," I whisper to myself, to which he grins even more. 

"My personal favourite." He agrees. 

Of course, it is. 

"Now, continue." He urges, impatient once again. 

I grit my jaw while my face turns red. "I used to think odd things about you. Weird, strange thoughts I hated myself for thinking." I admit, red-faced and blubbering. Perhaps, this confession will charm him enough to keep me alive. That is the goal, is it not?

As long as I am alive, I can escape.

"And what thoughts would those be?" He drawls happily. 

"Insane thoughts..." I whip up my head seductively. "Of wanting a man I have never even seen." I tremble and lean closer, completely focused on him. 

Lord Motte, on the other hand, doesn't move. "They've all tried the straightforward aspect of seduction before, Cynthia. It won't work, and you won't magically slip through my fingers. I'm not going to turn my back on you once, so you can't leave. Not unless I let you." He leans closer, meeting eye to eye with me. I shiver in fear, as this was the closest he has ever come to me while I was conscious. "I'll give you a little hint." He hisses with a smile. "The only way to win is for you to be the one." 

I lean back, completely unamused by his vague so-called help. 

He laughs at my reaction and eases up. "The answer is simple Cynthia. The curse is strict. I don't truly get to decide my bride, fate does." 

I scoff and roll my eyes instinctually. "So, you're telling me one of these poor victims of yours is destined to be your soulmate?" 

"Yes. Precisely." He answers surely before pausing. "You know what, fine. To ensure you'll stop stalling and get to the juicy bits of your story, particularly ones that will signify whether or not you are the one, I will tell you of the curse." 

I raise my eyebrows. 

"Just so you shut up about all the mystery you're consumed with. Clearly, you are the curious creature I pegged you as." He groans to himself. "The curse that started this all has made me the monster I am today. The rules are simple. I must find my soulmate, who was, at that time, separated from me by time itself. I never knew how much time. All I knew was that I had one simple task: to wait for and then dine with all the girls who enter those front doors and kill those that aren't the one with no exception. I know nothing, but I assume I will know the girl once I've seen and heard the darkest parts of her life."

I swallow some more wine stressfully. "So, are you saying that once you find your bride you will return to your human self? You were once human, weren't you?"

"Yes, I was." He looks past me in a daze. "I was, once, but I never will be again even if I do break the curse. So much time has passed, I would be nothing but a pile of dust if I didn't stay the way that I am now. The only curse I can hope to break is the one that prevents me from leaving this mansion." He turns back to me. "Any bride I have will become what I am. It is inevitable." He smiles subtly at me. "I won't lie though. I will treat the bride like a Queen once I find her. There won't be one thing out of her reach once I have her." 

I grovel lowly under my breath. "Yes, it could be a wonderful life, couldn't it? While feasting on the innocent, maybe." 

"There are enough non-innocents to have enough for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, dear." He winks. "The world likes to pretend everyone is innocent." He grumbles. "Besides, we don't have to kill." He smiles provocatively.

"That's a matter of one's opinion." I cross my arms in front of myself. "And you said we?" 

"So, tell me your opinion." He fires back, completely ignoring my last comment.

I frown deeply and shrink away from him in disgust. "Let's leave all that for later, shall we?"

He shrugs his shoulder. "Sure, if you have the expertise to choose the topic of which you like to speak, go ahead. You seem to know what you're doing and how much time you have to waste." He looks to his watch nonchalantly.

It was a test. It didn't take a genius to figure that out.

I could feel sweat beading on my forehead as I pondered on my next words.

Finally, I settled on the only thing I figured would be appealing to him, but also extremely helpful if he did choose to kill me. I would be one of the easiest murder victims he's ever met.

"I have no one," I mutter simply.

He cocks his head curiously. "Interesting?" He asks rhetorically.

"I mean it," I add seriously. "My mother hasn't heard from me in over a year. I didn't mess around when I had my other four identities created either. If you were to take me as your bride, there would be absolutely no way that any law enforcement would come after you. No one would care." I don't bother to mention the pride parade or my employer that would surely notice my absence.

He purses his lips and clicks his tongue. "So, you are proposing for me to take you as my bride because it would be easy?"

I swallow hard and slowly nod my head.

"Well, I did just kill Jasmine. I've killed many before her. Does it look like I have to face any consequences for any of them?" He raised his hands, dumbfounded by my suggestion. "Plus, I still do not know if you are the soulmate for me or not. That is the true decider, though you are right. It would be oddly convenient for you to leave your old life behind." 

"Yes, but don't you wish for this madness to end? Surely, you've grown bored of this tedious curse." I protest, smoothly as I can. "Besides, I have nothing holding me to the human world." I look at the wall sadly as I accept my own words. "Why not run away with a vampire?" I scoff to myself.

I say the words, but don't really know how they will come across to Lord Motte. I tense in worry as I feel his gaze burning into the side of my head.

I turn to him slowly only to see him smiling. "Sounds good to me, darling. Regardless, though, you still need to be the one as I've said many times, not just the most convenient choice. What makes you think you could be paired with a vampire?"

I shake my head angrily. "I know I could be! I'm likely the foulest girl that's ever walked in here. It would make sense if some sick idea of destiny matched us together!"

"Does this have to do with your separate identities?" He lightly quips, still choosing to act amused while I was losing my mind before his eyes.

A small tear escapes. "Let me lead up to it, but yes. There was always more of a reason for me to be untraceable." I weakly look to him in shame. "Cynthia Long had to die. I couldn't be her anymore."

Lord Motte's Vampire Bride - Version 1 Where stories live. Discover now