You Got Me

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Three cop cars stop at the side of the highway and burst out fully armed and ready just like I knew they would be.

"It's alright to surrender. It will be okay." The man tries to reassure me, holding out his hand comfortingly.

I only cry and tear my gaze away from him. I only know it's time to make a run for it, and I hope my speed has increased since turning. I might be able to lose them in the woods where no one else can see me.

Unfortunately, it is beginning to get light out. I didn't even bother to ask if the rumours were true about Vampires and sunlight. I am an idiot. I could have prepared myself so much better for this, but of course, when he was waving his sword at me I didn't have much else on my mind but fleeing.

"Drop your weapon!" The cops scream and point their guns at me as I turn to them. I stare up at them confused and hesitantly kneel in surrender and hold up my hands. I'm suddenly too scared to run.

"I said drop your weapon!" They yell it again while I shake my head in astonishment.

"I'm not holding a weapon!" I scream back. "And I am surrendering!"

"Not you!" A small group rushes down the hill to put me in handcuffs while another larger group storms past me. "You have about three seconds before we shoot!"

The man is helped to his feet beside me. "Have a good life," I say genuinely under my breath, hopeful that he heard me.

I don't get to see if he reacts before they throw me on my back and give me my rights. Under arrest for car theft and yadda, yadda. I've done so many things I don't even know if they are even aware of them all, but I suppose I'll find out if they don't shoot me.

Finally, when they throw me to my feet I get an opportunity to look back. The two cops holding me up are equally surprised. I can practically hear their jaws hit the ground. What I do hear, however, is the pounding of their hearts.

Lord Motte.

I inhale sharply. I couldn't be more surprised to see him come after me. After all, I have never insulted anyone more than I've insulted him. Plus there's the curse to be concerned with.

I guess that would mean I broke it...I truly am Isabella.

I don't know if I am relieved, exhilarated, or terrified.

But, what is terrifying is the sight of Lord Motte holding the heads of the deceased cops before him.

"Lord Motte!" I shout in horror, looking down at all the bodies before me. "What have you done?"

"Exactly what needed to be done." He smirks, half-interested. "Plus, I am starving. You didn't turn out to be a pleasant meal, remember?"

I frown and rip my arms away from the stunned cops beside me. Surprisingly, they let me. They stood there perfectly still, as if in a trance.

I look back and forth between him and them. "D-did you hypnotize them?"

"I do what I have keep things quiet, at least." He winks. "Now are you going to finish my job? I'm sure you're starving."

I gasp and look to the two cops behind me. "I-I couldn't."

"Yes, you can. Don't worry." He comes closer, wiping their blood from his lips. "Don't worry. They won't even flinch." He assures me sadistically.

Unfortunately, his comment did comfort me.

"You'll give in now or later. I won't object if you rather torture your victim first, but right now you have it given to you on a platter. I suggest you take it while it's easy...for your first time, especially." He says smoothly.

He is speaking as if he isn't mad at me at all.

Why wouldn't he be?

"Why are you saving me?" I have to ask.

"Eat and I'll explain while there aren't cops lurking around. Plus, we have the sun to beat." He gestures to the sky in annoyance.

"So that is true?"

"Partially. I haven't been in the sun for centuries. I don't want to risk it. It won't be pleasant after all these years either way and to be honest, no one exactly gave me a handbook either." His voice is so soothing, I hate myself for liking the sound of it all of sudden. I didn't react this way before...

I clench my fists. "Fine, but don't watch."

"Oh, I fully intend on watching my beloved have her first meal. It's incredibly satisfying." He says enticingly. "Not to mention sexy."

I grimace at his comment and turn my back to him. I approach the smaller, female cop and push back her hair from her neck. Her eyes follow me with fear evident in them...but I force myself to ignore it. I lean close, my salivating mouth closing in on her neck. I feel the pain in my side already dispersing as I give in...

Before I know it I can feel the pressure of sharpened teeth pushing through my gums. I only feel numbness then, and as I bite down into the warmth of the woman's neck I only feel relief. Warm, gushing relief.

Consciously I was absolutely disgusted, but my body was in control, and it was taking what it needed.

Soon enough, I feel Lord Motte's presence behind me. His hands grab my waist urgently. "That's good, very good...but we need to leave now love." He says soothingly as before, but impatiently.

I rip away and look to the ground to avoid the woman's gaze. He turns me away and begins walking me towards the forest while the cops stand in a daze. "They'll remember nothing." He calmly assures me as we part the brush before us. "They won't even remember they saw you today."

"Will they remember the ID's and the money though?" I calmly whisper.

"Yes." He admits. "I can't erase everything. The hotel owner will remember, everyone staying at the hotel will remember seeing you, the people at the diner will remember you and so will the people you stole the car from. I can't gain access to everyone to erase their memory...but the cops will know nothing of your whereabouts or where to find you."

I sigh and nearly allow myself to lean into him, seeking comfort.

"As long as you're with me, they'll never find you. I will protect you." He adds, sending a cold shiver down my body.

"It feels as if this was your plan all along," I whisper sadly. "You got me, are you happy now?"

"No, no, but I always expect the unexpected and I am fond of improvising. If you're anything like Isabella, you'll resist with everything you have." He chuckles. "And boy, are you like her."

Lord Motte's Vampire Bride - Version 1 Where stories live. Discover now