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I drop my bag in front of the white trimmed red door. Vince holds my hand as I inhale nervously at the sight of the oh so familiar door.

"I can't believe we made it here." I whisper self consciously. "I hope I'm as well received as I hoped."

"I wouldn't doubt you will be. She loves you." Vince reassures me instantly. "Of course she will want to see you, darling."

I nod in uncertainty and raise my hand to knock.

My wimpy knock barely made an audible sound but I hear rustling on the other side nevertheless.

"I can't do this."

"You can." Vince is unshakeably supportive.

He nudges me forward as the door opens, my mother's shocked face now on the other side.

"Cynthia?" Her voice shakes. "Is there something wrong?" Her eyes advert to Vince. "Who's this?"

"No, mom. There's nothing wrong. I just wanted...to see you." I step forward and hold out my arms shakily.

"Oh, my dear girl." She whispers with emotion. "I didn't think I would see you for at least another few months. That's typically how it goes with your visits." She pats me on the back happily and tugs me inside. "Now tell me all about it...and tell me who this is before I invite him inside. Is he a suitor of yours?"

I laugh with embarrassment. "If by suitor, you mean boyfriend, then yes." I answer promptly. "His name is Vincent." I smile and look back at him. "And he's part of my news actually..." I look back to my mother nervously. "We're getting married mother."

Her eyes widen with a hint of tears in her eyes. "Married? Oh my Lord. I don't know if I'm going to cry or hit you with a pillow." She laughs. "Either way...I am happy for you." She sends me a mischievous side glance. "I wasn't sure I would ever become a mother in law. I didn't even think you had an interest in marriage." She nudges me playfully before turning to Vincent. "And Vincent! The man who's making my daughter an honest woman!"

"Mother! That is such an old fashioned saying!" I scold her.

Vince shrugs, sending me a wink. "I sure am."

My mother forces him into an embrace. "Oh, you kids might have made my day. Seeing my daughter and meeting my future son-in-law in one day. What could possibly make this day better?"

She set herself up with this one. "I suppose I could make it more exciting. I don't know about better." I say with a chuckle. "Um...mother, we have other news as well. I-I'm actually pregnant as well."

Her eyes widen even more, and she pauses as the room turns silent.


"Cynthia!" She scowls. "Please tell me that's not the only reason why-"

"That we're getting married? No, don't worry about that, mom." I wrap my arms around Vince fondly. "We would want this either way."

"Really?" Her face flushes emotionally.

"Yes, mother." I blush myself.

She hugs us both, cooing excited words under her breath as we all hug as a family. I wind my hand around Vince's and squeeze and he squeezes back to show his affection.

Oh, I can't believe how much I love him. 

With a lovely future ahead. All of us together again, with more on the way.

A future I never saw coming.


Thank you for reading everyone! 😄

Lord Motte's Vampire Bride - Version 1 Where stories live. Discover now