Lots Of Thoughts

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Vincent raps on my door softly before bursting through without waiting for my answer. "Are you decent?" He calls jokingly.

"If I wasn't it would be too late." I roll my eyes, biting back a small smirk.

"I wanted to know if you'd like to join me for dinner?" He remarks, shoving his hands into his pockets with a distinct pride in his expression. He stares at me with a bright spark in his eye as he waits for my response.

It wasn't as if I had any other option or choice. He already knows that I will have dinner with him. Still, he's damn well pleased in anticipation of hearing me agree to it. He's already comically satisfied.

"Sure." I agree as emotionless as I can.

"Good. I want to learn more about you." He smiles darkly, to which I immediately frown. "What?" He asks obliviously offended.

"This again? Am I on trial?" I touch my heart in defence. "I can't be on the stand every time we talk."

"No, no. I have already decided my intentions for you, dear." He looks to the ground thoughtfully and approaches me almost seductively. "I want to know Cynthia. That is all. Is that such a terrible, terrible thing?" He says lightly, but his face hints I shouldn't answer incorrectly, even if he likes me.

Hiding a small gulp I nod repetitively and follow him out of the room in a daze.

As I trail behind him, he gallops down the staircase in excitement, urging me to follow him to the already set dinner table. He has the head of the table pulled out for me. "I have a surprise for you, dear." He winks at me as I tentatively allow him to push my chair in.

"I sort of sensed that," I say quietly to myself.

"Of course you did." He frowns dramatically. "Because you know me so well." He continues with a small smile that reads as the exact opposite of what he's saying.

"Vincent," I say simply. "Just get on with it," I warn.

He raises his eyebrows in disbelief. "Bossing me around now, are ya? You're getting even more confident. Can't say that I..." I pause and looks me over provocatively as I wait for him to finish his sentence. "...Don't like it."

I roll my eyes. "Please just show me the surprise, Vince."

"Oh, we're going with Vince now?"

"Yes, it's shorter." I wave him off impatiently.

"Okay, okay." He waves me off right back before placing my platter right in front of me.

"More food?" I'm honestly not at all that impressed. "What else did you think I was expecting as a surprise at the dinner table?"

"No, no." He snorts. "Take the lid off and find out love."

I grimace and oblige, lifting the lid off, revealing plane tickets.

I frown in concern and whip my gaze to Vince. "What's this?"

"Your out. Your backup plan if you will." Vince replies smoothly, decently holding himself together.

The room goes silent after that, the gloominess of it all weighing heavily on my shoulders. "I never asked for this," I say quietly, looking down at the table. "Is this what you think of me? A runner? A quitter?"

Vince raises one eyebrow and smiles sideways. "You're allowed to run, that is all." He sits down after that as if no interruption had happened.

"I don't run."

"Pretty sure you did the day I met you, darling." He smirks jokingly and starts to dig into his meal, which has appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, ha ha!" I start to eat the delicate pasta in front of me as well, choosing to ignore him for the time being.

"You like it?" He asks after a while of watching me soundlessly dig in. "I made it myself."

I nearly spit it out. "You're joking. You order everything."

"Not always. You don't live this long and not learn some skills. Especially when I didn't know how to hypnotize when I was new to this whole thing." Vince shrugs.

I lean my head in my heads and lean across the table, humouring him. "Oh, so very fascinating! Please tell me the tale of how you learned to hypnotize."

He scoffs and waves my comment off. "No hints until you learn yourself, scoundrel."

My mouth drops open, causing him to laugh all the more. He quickly finishes and stands from the table, holding his hand out to me.

I pause and simply observe his action, confused as to why he would be offering me his hand. "What are we doing, dancing?" I laugh lightly. "Is this the moment where I say..." I trail off and smile to myself, "B-but there's no music! How shall we dance?" I fake the innocent voice of any woman from any 50's movie.

"Don't get into the habit of talking like that. It might drive me insane." He simply warns, grabbing my hand gently before I can refuse.

"Now, why is that, Mr. Motte?" I continue with the voice, intentionally mocking him gleefully.

"I should hate to be reminded of Isabella, the tragic, tragic girl of my past." He brings me assertively close, clasping my waist with one of his hands while he held mine in his free hand. Our bodies became impossibly close as his intense black eyes stared into mine. "Not when there's a new girl in town."

My breath catches in my throat. "I hadn't even thought of that. I'm so-" My voice trembles embarrassingly.

He chuckles. "Don't be ridiculous. I was joking." He sweeps me into motion, twirling me on the dining room floor magnificently.

I blush and smile faintly while looking away from the powerful Lord. His aura has become simply overwhelming in the last few seconds, taking charge nobly and whisking me off my feet in a way I never once cared for until I met him.

I never even considered myself a romantic, but now, fantasies I never knew of are coming to light like fireworks in my mind, exploding over and over when I catch sight of him or hear him knock at my door.

I can't control myself anymore.

So, as I'm gleefully feeling not quite myself and bounding around the dance floor with the a Vampire-Lord...I can't help but allow a terrible, terrible thought enter my mind on that matter.

Could he be hypnotizing me?

Lord Motte's Vampire Bride - Version 1 Where stories live. Discover now