Chapter 8

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Ft Foxy's POV
Well Tommorrow is school day so better make the most of it today.Even though I only watched them all play spin the bottle yesterday.And all the weird scenarios that I just saw yesterday seemed like a nightmare enough."Yo, Bon bwon and Fred lets go to the carnival today whadda you say? Three brothers in one place? What else could be more exciting than this!".

Bon Bon POV
"The carnival!?!?".I LOVE THE CARNIVAL! If you don't know I already got done quickly to be the first ready to go.Freddy as usual is sleeping 5 minutes.But foxy always had to wake up Freddy I wonder why.Anyways I'll just go and wake him up myself. "Freddy wake up lets go to the carnival" Then Freddy jumped out of bed thinking that foxy woke him up but it was me all along >:3 "FREDDY LETS GOOO I WANNA GO ON THE SCARY RIDES COME ON!!"

Ft Freddy's POV
"WAIT FOR ME BON BON!". As I looked at foxy thinking 'Why didn't he wake me up today?'.I don't wanna know now..ALL I CARE IS THE CARNIVAL THAT WE ARE GOING TO TODAY!! But foxy today as well."So foxy..CAN I BRING C.BABY AND THE BIDY BABS PLEASE!" Foxy actually agreed to bring them...This is the first time he ever let anyone along to the carnival.While me and Bon Bon were waiting in the car foxy came back with money from mom (he asked for it foxy is no bad boy).

Mrs. Ft Frexy's POV
Foxy has done it again."Thanks foxy for letting the boys bring a guest for the carnival you know how lonely they get when no kids their age aren't there".My little Fox is on the way with 500 dollars because I let them have fun from time to time.

HEY GUYS I'M the author and I'm a person from the savage mega cool dog sisters channel and if you find me don't give it away to anyone so suscribe to me and my sisters channel and I'll make more chapters and or other stories...any suggestions?

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