Chapter 37

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(You didn't think I'll leave out the main characters now did you? Also short chapter ahead twt)

Lolbit's POV
I'm ready for the date even though I'm nervous like a crocodile in water without legs. ANYWAYS as a bystander in my love life let's get to the point :3. I am a furry human being who loves my soon to hopefully be my boyfriend! Ok that sounds cringey but oh well that's what puppy love is at my age. Time to head out and wait for foxy to arrive.

I wait for an hour till foxy arrive on time. He greets me in such a silly way.

"Hello there madam shall we head over to the park for our four o clock date flattening?"-F.Foxy

"Let's fucking GoOooOooo"-Lolbit

"In all seriousness let's head to the picnic I prepared for us :)"-F.Foxy

"Ok lead the way sir"-Lolbit

"Will do"-F.Foxy

It's almost near nighttime and the picnic looks amazing! So much food and-
Wait is that RWBY Pizza rolls? OMG HE DO KNOW MY FAVORITES!!

"Thanks for taking me out here tonight foxy"-Lolbit

"No problem Lolbit after all I do need to get out the house more"-F.Foxy

"G a s p I thought this was a date :("-Lolbit

"Nonono it is it's just this is my first date so"-F.Foxy

He gestures his hand in a way that makes him look like a tsundere.

He looks cute even though he looks embarrassed and guilty of the fact that I think this isn't a date.

"Hey it's ok foxy I know you were just joking"-Lolbit

"you sure Lolbit?"-F.Foxy

yeah no duh he's being adorable right now so it's hard to be angry at him at this moment.

"Yeah foxy it's really ok"-Lolbit

"Ok just making sure"-F.Foxy

he's grinning like an idiot right now it's honestly like watching a child getting candy from the candy man I feel calm and at home with him I think I want to marry him one day...

To be continued...
(Yeah! Ok so far the date chapter is over now! They're going to college soon so that's a thing, time skip to college in like 3 or 2 more chapters just because I wanna fill in theyre lives for the grand finale :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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