First Day in Yuuei

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Before the chapter starts, I will like to clarify that this fic debuted on, where it's at it's 24th chapter, soon 25th, but My point is, there have been several people sending me OCs for my story, and I ended up starting a poll to see which ones could enter my story and which ones couldn't. Hence, any OC you see in this story was just me satisfying my fans over on the other website. the list of OC you will be expecting include:

-Sachiko Tsukiyama (Submitted by me, From chapter 2)

-Irina Von Teskalorious (Submitted by Askaroth, Debuting in this chapter)

-Yeong Kim (Submitted by Maximumride123, Debuting in chapter 18)

-Jack Deathringer (Submitted by Marionette Mite, Debuting in chapter 18)

-The Hounds (Submitted by Ghost-407, Debuting in chapter 18)

-Xenia Odeon (Submitted by Insane Acrobat, Debuting in Chapter 18)

Now, my story on that site had dropped in popularity due to the backlash i got from putting in too many OCs, so tell me what you guys think. Also, thank you for reading :)


It was the big day, the first day of class in Yuuei. Tears ran down Inko's eyes as she saw her son, dressed in Yuuei's school uniform take to the door.

"How long have you been dreaming for this moment Izuku?" Asked Inko, shaking with joy.

Izuku sighed.

"Far too long mom, far too long." He replied, turning around.

His hand shook as he turned the knob. The old him would have been ecstatic to find out he was making it to Yuuei, but now, that childlike excitement is gone.

"I don't particularly miss it, but damn, It really feels like I let go of a huge part of myself." Thought Izuku, as the light shone through the opening door, creating a gate to the his future.

On his way to Yuuei, he was stopped by a group of familiar individuals. Izuku smiled as he ran to his former compatriots.

"Sachi! Long time no see buddy!" Izuku called out.

"Yo! Izu-bro! It's been too long!" Said Sachi, giving Izuku a fist bump.

"I heard you were joining the league of villains, good luck on that, and this is..." Izuku said, looking at the girl to his right.

"Irina, Irina Van Titty-Glorious" replied Sachi in a mocking tone.

The girl next to him seemed real pissed off however, and pulled the man's hair hard, causing his to squirm in pain.


"Yeah, yeah, whatever, German names are hard to pronounce anyway." Said Sachi, not letting go of his mockish tone.

"So what are you two doing here anyway?" Asked Izuku, letting out a small giggle at the two.

"The league wanted to assign me on a sort of initiative mission so they could observe and classify me. Apparently my pure awesomeness was not enough to convince them, so now I have to assassinate this Pro Hero named Acacia to earn their approval." Explained Sachi.

"And I assume That applies to Irina as well?" Asked Izuku.

"No, she's my supervisor. Bossy, stuck up, and Suuuuper annoying." Said Sachi, rolling his eyes.

"Hey! Keep up that attitude and I'm stuffing you into my sock!" Irina responded in a pissed off tone, before turning to Izuku, "And don't think I'm just some lackey either! I'll have you know that I'm part of the Vanguards, the highest ranks in the league! And I highly suggest you kneel to your superior!"

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