Nightmare At Kamino

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The nearby areas of Kamino had been blocked off by police forces. As the crowds of people gathered around the screens, cheering for All Might to win, a womanly figure, tears running down her eyes, dashed through the crowd, before running face first into a wall of police.

"Sorry Mam, this area has been restricted."

"Please let me through! My son is in there! I have to save him! It's my duty as a mother!" Said the woman with a worried tone.

"No can do, the only people allowed past this point are the police and pro heroes." replied the police man.

Suddenly, the woman pulled a license out of her purse.

"What about former pro heroes?" She asked.

Looking at the license, the policeman's eyes widened.

"You're... Inko Midoriya? as in, "Psy-Storm" Inko Midoriya, The Psychic Hero?" Asked The policeman.

"Please, if I can't go and fulfill my duty as a mother, let me fulfill my duty as a hero!" She asked.

The police thought about it for a moment, before opening the barrier while no one was looking.

"Stay out of trouble, please." He said, "Now go!"

As the mother ran past the police barrier and towards the battlefield, she reached into her purse, taking out a vial of dark green liquid.

"I'll save you Izuku, no matter what." She said, "Even if it kills me."

Two figures moved faster than the naked eye across the desolate wastelands that used to be the bustling shopping district of Yokohama city, clashing with each other every few seconds as the news helicopters recorded the battle from above, forced to switch to the high shutter cameras so that the viewers across all of Japan can keep up with the action,

Meanwhile, massive glaciers erupted from the ground as a massive black humanoid beast, similar to the ones during the Hosu attack, chased a young boy, who was jumping backwards at impressive speeds, trying to avoid the monster.

"You can't run forever, Todoroki!" Mightless yelled, smashing through the glaciers like they were cardboard.

The young student kept his distance, while erecting multiple layers of ice walls, blocking the monster's path, each one thicker than the last. His felt frostbites covering his body, but knew that regulating body heat would be suicide in the heat of battle, he needed to distract Midoriya long enough to do so, but due to his now feral fighting style, finding such opening would be impossible.

Not even 3 seconds in, and Mightless had already dug through Todoroki's ice barrier, his claws, ready to gut him alive. Just then, All Might ran in, nailing Mightless across the face, sending him flying back several meters.

"Are you okay, Shoto-san?" Asked All Might.

"I'm fine." Todoroki smiled, heating up his body with his fire quirk.

"Good, now get up, we need to keep your guard u..."

Before All Might could finish, All For One flew in, grabbing All Might by the face and dragging him across the entire battlefield, throwing him into a collapsed building. Seeing this, Todoroki got up, firing a blast of flames at All For One. The villain boss, feeling the upcoming attack, turned around and deflected the attack with a wave, sending towards Mightless. The beast saw the upcoming attack, and smiled, triggering one of his new quirks: Heat Containment.

The beast opened it's maw, swallowing the fire whole, and then charged at the student. Just then, All Might jumped out of the building, trying to get Mightless away from his student. The head of the monster however did a full 180 turn, releasing the fire he ate directly onto All Might, before the rest of his body spun around to match his head, spin kicking him in the process, sending him flying back and coughing out a bit of blood.

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