Redemption for Past Sins

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Two days after the attack on U.A, newscasters were swarming the front door as the students watched from the safety of their dorm. Some of them were real paranoid deep down, not knowing if U.A's funds would be cut this time around due to the sheer amount of failures that has been happening ever since Mightless went public. From heroes losing left and right, to the rising number of criminals, the everyday citizens seems to be splitting into two very different sides: Those who cling on to the heroes more tighter than ever, scared of the increasing number of criminals, blindly following them like they're their only light within the darkness and those who have completely lost hope in the reliability of heroes, and who have taken matters into their own hands.

In a way, this was one of Mightless's unspoken plans: to make the world fear each other, to skyrocket quirk related crimes in order to make people more and more scared of quirks, and then wipe out all quirks as we know it. Although, not many were sure if even he knew about this, and this was all just a huge coincidence.

The uncomfortable silence was suddenly broken, when someone knocked on the doors of class A's dorm. Opening the door, Mina and Mineta were met with a barrage of eggs and toilet paper rolls from a few general education students.

"Get out of our school you hacks!" Yelled one of them.

"Yeah! You frauds! No one wants you here!"

They couldn't blame them. Ever since Mightless was revealed to be a former student from their class, most of the Gen Ed students and Support department students, who had all the reasons in the world to hate them, resented them even more. Their once beautiful dorm was now cleaned on a daily basis because often times it would get egged by nearby students, mostly Monoma from class B.

Speaking of Class B, the ground below softened as the two students suddenly sunk in.

"Hey! what gives!?" Yelled one of the student.

"I believe that you two have something better to do than to pick on others." Said a familiar voice, "Now leave, or I won't be as polite next time."

"Tch! It's not like we're gonna be heroes anyway." They grunted, pulling themselves out of the quicksand-like asphalt, "Enjoy your hero careers, assholes."

It was Juzo, from class B, and from the looks of it, he was being followed by Kendo, Setsuna, Tetsu Tetsu and even Monoma.

"You guys? What are you doing here?" Asked Mineta, wiping off the egg white with a towel.

"We heard about your concert getting trashed, so we brought the perpetrator to justice, Monoma!" Kendo answered, as Tetsu Tetsu and Setsuna dragged what seemed to be a very beat up and bruised Monoma, who, despite his injuries, didn't seem to care.

"Hahahaha! I heard the entire stages support beam came crashing down! That's amazing! Oh, such management failure coming from class A!" Monoma laughed, before getting smacked in the back by Kendo.

"He was running late for the play, so we got suspicious. Turns out he copied Hagakure's quirk to become invisible, and took off a couple of screws in the backstage." Kendo replied, before turning to Monoma with an enraged face "Now apologize!"


"Guys, Guys, it's fine." Mina answered, "A villain broke in and sabotaged out show, so people put all of malfunction blames on him."

"Oh, so that's how that attack started..." Muttered Kendo.

"I heard Mightless was responsible for the attack." Tetsu Tetsu added, "Had to cancel the who play when it happened. That son of a bitch, when I get my hands on him, I'll make him pay for ruining my big moment on stage! We had such a cool plot twist planned and everything!"

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