A Talk With Shigaraki

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"Kurogiri! Call the league! I found it!" Izuku yelled, as Kurogiri rushed to assemble the rest of the league.

Shortly after, one after another, the members came down to the bar one after another.

"Alright Izuku, it's 3:25 in the God Damn Morning, what in the world did you wake us up for!?" Asked Spinner, still half asleep, "And seriously, how many days has it been since you last left your damn office!? You reek of ink and sweat!"

"Nevermind all that, prepare the equipments! I have found it!" Izuku answered, nearly falling over.

"Found it? Found what?" Asked Dabi, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"My father's secondary lab!" Izuku replied, showing them the map.

"Was that what you were working on for all this time!?" Asked Dabi.

"Yeah, why?" Asked Izuku.

"Izu-bro, We checked your room a week ago, it looked the exact same. Have you literally been working one week straight without sleep?" Asked Sachi, yawning.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he turned to Kurogiri.

"Kuro, how many hours has it been since I have last slept?" He asked.

"3 Hours, 54 Minutes, 32 seconds, and still counting." Kurogiri responded, "Unless you exclude the times you blacked out on your desk, in which case, yes, it has been a week."

"Wow..." Izuku said to himself, "I need a damn break."

"Alright, but before that, how about you explain to us what's so damn important about this hidden lab of yours?" Asked Spinner.

"Well, according to Sensei, this lab was the one where he and my dad did most of their research, where the first Nomu was created, where Trigger was born, and where all of his research is stored." Izuku explained, "Right now, we have lost our Nomu making warehouse, our main source of infantry, which significantly cuts the strength of our league. On top of that, we've lost the means to create the quirk influencing drugs despite having the necessary equipment to make them. Right now, we just need to get to this lab, and raid it for supplies to rebuild and get stronger."

The villains looked at each other, agreeing with what their leader had in mind.

"On top of that, the world is still mourning over the loss of their symbol of peace. They are vulnerable now that their source of hope is extinguished, but we still lack the means to vanquish them. If we can mount another large scale attack during this opening, it will permanently shatter the pride and reputation of the heroes. This is our chance everybody! This next attack will decide the outcome of this war! so we need to prepare and take them out as quickly as possible?" Izuku continued.

"But, how are you so certain they will remain in despair for such a long time? Even when our league worked at it's fastest, directing an attack of such scale requires at least a month of preparation!" Toga asked.

"It took All Might twice as long to establish himself as the symbol of peace, being a former fanboy of him, I would know. Besides, villain attacks have nearly doubled since that failed raid on the hero's part, as people from the criminal underworld have heard of our exploits and are now reeking havoc in our name. Our followers should be more than enough to keep the pressure high." Answered Izuku, "But we have to hurry! Time is of the essence, so let's go, and win this war!"

"Right!" The villains cheered in unison, until they saw their boss get up, only to pass out.

"You should get some rest before this, Young Master." Kurogiri said.

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