6; Mitch Marner

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     You're sitting in your class at the University of Toronto bored as ever. It's the week before finals and you have been doing nothing but studying. You look at the clock and let out a small sigh realizing you still have twenty minutes left in class. Your phone lights up signaling that you got a text. You look down at your phone to see who it was from. It was from your best friend, the one and only Austin Matthews.

Yo bitch when are you getting out of class??

I have a least twenty minutes why?

     You lift your head back up pretending to be paying attention to your professor. Everyone either has their heads down sleeping, or they're scrolling through their phones.

We have a new kid on the team and I'm supposed to show him around town and I wanted to know if you wanted to come.

     You sigh knowing you should really go back to your apartment and study but maybe a little break wouldn't hurt.

Yeah I guess but we can't be long, I should really be studying for my finals.

K, I'll pick you up outside the main entrance of the library.

     With that you turn off your phone and look back up at the clock. You realize that the class is ending and start to pack up your things. You head towards the classroom exit and give a warm smile to the professor before walking out. You start to walk through the beautiful campus of the University of Toronto and head towards the main entrance of the library. As soon as you got there you instantly spotted Auston in his car. You see that there's a passenger in the seat with him. He looks awfully familiar.

     "Hey Y/N." Austin says as you get into the car.

     "Hey." You simply reply back.

     "Y/N this is Mitch Marner. He recently just got drafted to the Maple Leafs. Mitch this is Y/N." Auston says while introducing you two.

     That's when it hits you. Mitch Marner. The boy who you fell in love with senior year of high school and had to move away from when you went to college, and haven't talked to since.

     You and Mitch give and awkward smile towards each other. You haven't seen or talked to him in two years.

     "Do you guys like, know each other?" Auston questions giving and awkward look towards both of you.

     "No! What! Why would you think that?" You quickly defend yourself. Auston just gives you a weird look and starts to pull out of the library lot.

     The car ride was filled with silence. Awkward silence. Auston tried making small talk but you and Mitch just responded with short answers not wanting to make conversation. You finally arrive to your destination which is a small bar and grill in downtown Toronto. You all hop out of the car and head into the restaurant, getting seated in the back so nobody off the streets would notice Auston. The meal was filled with a few conversations here or there, but Auston definitely knew that something was up with you and Mitch. You get up from your seats heading back to the Auston's car, but before you can get there Mitch interrupts.

     "Y/N, hey can I talk to you for a sec." Mitch asks as Auston stopped and looked at both of you.

     "Uh yeah I guess." You say while then walking somewhere where Auston wouldn't hear your conversation.

     "How long are we going to pretend like we don't know each other?" Mitch bluntly asks. You look up into his eyes seeing how hurt he was from acting like strangers.

     "Mitch, you knew I went to the University of Toronto, why didn't you tell me you got drafted? And after high school you totally just blew me off. You never even tried to keep in touch. It's like what we had before didn't even mean anything to you." You respond back with sadness in your voice. You and Mitch were friends through all of high school but only started dating the summer before senior year. You told each other everything and hung out almost everyday.

     "Y/N, do you know how hard it was knowing that you were going to be in Toronto while I was in London playing hockey? I knew that if I kept in touch with you it would make me miss you more. And that would kill me knowing that we were so far away from each other." Mitch says looking into your eyes. You look down at the ground trying to process what he said. It still upset you how he never tried keeping in touch although, he did have a pretty good reason for it.

     "Mitch I don't know if I can do this." You pause. "You hurt me. A lot."

     "Y/N..." Mitch trails off not knowing what to say. "Give me one more chance. I'm in Toronto now. We're close to each other. We have each other just like the old days and I know you miss that. So why can't we try again. Start over. Start a new chapter in our lives and forget about the past." You smile to yourself realizing how much he really did care about you. "See. You're smiling." Mitch points out.

     "Fine." You give in and smile up towards Mitch.

     "How about I pick you up tomorrow night after practice and we can go to your favorite restaurant in Toronto." Mitch exclaims hoping you'd say yes.

     "Sounds like a plan. Me and you just like the old days." You state.

     "And I'm glad it turned out that way." Mitch states while embracing you in a hug.

     "Damn Y/N, we've only hung out with Mitch for an hour and you're already hugging him like you're in love!" Auston yells from his car knowing that it's time to leave.

     You and Mitch both look at each other before getting back into his car knowing that you guys have a lot of explaining to do.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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