3-A day out

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I gave Yuri a bitter-sweet kiss. It ended in an instant. Sayori suggested breakfast and we happily agreed.  I made bacon and waffles . Yuri made tea and eggs. Sayori poured a glass of orange juice. (I didn't trust her with a stove.) We then proceeded to ask Monika to come. "What about Natsuki?" Sayori probably forgot about the stairs incident.... "Sure." I was surprised when Yuri texted Natsuki and invited her too. Natsuki was not convinced. I then proceeded to text her from my phone. She happily agreed.

We met up with Natsuki and Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monikp Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika Monika


We then met with Natsuki and Monika. Natsuki was wearing a cat-printed shirt with short high socks and a purple and white skirt. She bolted towards me and gave me a hug. She was surprisingly crying. She said how sorry she was and would never do that again. She told me about her dad and what he had done to her. I was shocked. "Well you don't have to go back there ever again. You can come live with me. You can sleep in -" she screamed, "ILL SLEEP WITH YOU!!!!!" ".................................................... U ........... H ....... I was going to suggest that you sleep in my room while I sleep with Yuri." Akward..... "That's.... That's. ... Thats what I said..... Dummy." Suuurrre...  Monika felt invisible. Nobody has spoken a word to her. "You know MC, I don't have any parents *mumbles* because i slaughtered them .... Ahem. So could I live with you too?" ........ WoW .. ....... Sayori suggested,"OMG !!!!!! We should have a sleepover!!! With food of course." We all agreed. We went to the market and got chips,ice cream, popcorn,a movie from the red cube,and cookies. Sayori was very happy and content. She even screamed at the top of her lungs, "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!" In the store. She probably said that because of all the food. " I'm probably going to gain like 5 pounds," Monika says. "I got cake mix,so I can bake some cupcakes for us. "  Sayori was so happy, that she screamed even louder, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! YYEEEEESSSSS!!!!!" She did a little victory dance. "Wow, you like my cupcakes that much?" "YES!"

Yuri and I were in the back of the group so we could talk privately. When no one else is looking, we shared a kiss under a nearby Sakura tree. It was magical. There were blossoms falling all around us. It was perfect, just like her. As we discussed our plans for the weekend, Sayori glanced back at us. She gave Yuri a dirty look. She probably was watching us kiss under the Sakura tree. I didn't think she was capable of make that face. It showed pure hatred. Yuri looked hurt. When we got back to my place, Monika and Natsuki stayed close to me, probably because they have never been in it. "It's nice... I guess," Natsuki said pouting. She probably likes it so much that she has to be mean about it. "I have to go to the bathroom," Monika said "Could you please come show me ,MC?"  I agreed.

I'll put out more next week! Till then, I'll leave you on a cliff hanger! Sorry.... What will happen at the sleepover? When will Yuri take over ? No one knows! Except for me of course.... My average words- per-story are 550-600 so I can add more events. Thanks for reading!

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