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Thank you for waiting for my updates. Though I'm new, I'm glad you appreciate my story and bearing with the typos and wrong grammars. See you on my next story!! :)


When the MC called his name, Sungjae cleared his throat and went out of the room with his parents. It's his birthday but he can't seem to focus on the party and be happy, he was sorry for his parents but it was true, but he appreciate them for being there. He really didn't want the party to happen, his parents just told him all of a sudden but it was up to him if he'll go with the plan, he didn't want a party, he just wanted to be with her. But since she said she had plans, he let his parents do what they want.

Cameras flashed but Sungjae wasn't bothered, he was used to it. He smiled at everyone though he can't mostly see them because the lights were dimmed. He scanned the room still smiling when he saw someone in the corner of his eyes, a familiar face, someone so close to his heart that made his heartbeat beat rapidly.

They both mirrored the same expression, shock and... longing. How many days has it been since they saw each other? A week? maybe more.

A cake with candles was brought to Sungjae's side, his mind was preoccupied but decided that he'll go to her later. He blew the  candles after his friends and family sung the birthday song.

The celebration continued.  His friends came to him, greeted him and tapped his back.

"Dude, What was your face earlier? you're like you've seen a ghost." Hyunsik hyung said to him. Sungjae just grinned,

He looked at Sooyoung's table but he didn't saw her. He started to panick, what if she left because she thought he didn't invite her? But why was she there in the first place? Sungjae saw Yoon on Sooyoung's table, that must be it, because Sooyoung is the tutor of Yoon.

He walked towards Yoon's table.

"Hyung! Happy birthday!" Yoon said.

"Where's the girl you were with??" He asked immediately.

"Oh... uh.. Sooyoung noona? She's with mom... They went inside the house-" Sungjae didn't let him finish and ran inside the house immediately, He looked around the house but they weren't around, he started looking at his sister's bedroom but she wasn't there.

He saw his sister went out in a door, his bedroom's door. What! what are they doing there? Sh*t

When his sister saw him, she smiled knowingly.

"What did you two do there?" He asked her suspiciously.

Her sister smiled. "Ah... Sooyoung wanted to borrow something so I led her here. Now that you're here, I'll leave you two alone but don't be long, okay? Happy birthday little brother." She said and kissed his cheek lightly before she went down.

Sungjae looked at the closed door and lightly opened it. She saw Sooyoung's back on her, headphones on her ears.

Sungjae felt relieved that she didn't leave yet. He closed the door and went to her, she still didn't notice that he was there so he peaked what she was doing. What she was doing shocked him.

For petes sake! It's his birthday and yet she's playing? what the-

Sungjae smiled. That's Sooyoung for you, it could storm but she wouldn't budge on her seat.

He couldn't take it anymore so he hugged her from the back, needless to say, she wasn't even surprised that he hugged her.

"What are you doing here?" he asked her though it was obvious already.

THE GAMER (SungJoy)Where stories live. Discover now