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The week went by quickly; studying and eating and sleeping and classes. It was rote and boring, and John was glad when the weekend finally arrived. Friday, he headed to his favourite bar and starting scoping out possible prospects. Jeanette wasn't there, so John danced with a few other young women, but by midnight, nothing was panning out. After another half hour, he decided to call it a night

It was nearly 1 AM when John got back to the house. He was quiet as he came in, walking through the dark to his room. He opened the door and slipped in. He was about to turn on the light when he noticed that his bed was occupied. Sighing, John took out his keys and used the little torch on them to get his pyjamas out. He showered, then went back his room.

"Shove over, Sherlock," he said softly as he lifted the covers to get into bed.

"Hhmm...? John? You went out."

"I came back," John replied. "There's room for both of us; just scoot over a bit."

Sherlock grumbled but slid over.

"Thanks," said John, getting into bed.

No sooner did John settle into his bed then he realised how bizarre the situation was. Here he was, a straight man, lying in bed with another man. As he thought of that, he wondered what Sherlock's orientation might be. Given that Sherlock was dead to the world, he supposed it didn’t really matter right now. Relaxing, John gave in to his exhaustion.

John woke up feeling strangely warm. He snuggled against the warmth. Then he realised that what he was feeling was Sherlock, still in his bed.

Sitting up, John stretched. He got out of bed. He couldn't help but chuckle as Sherlock immediately moved over, taking up nearly the whole bed.

"I'm making myself some breakfast. Want some?"

Sherlock just mumbled and curled up.

"Okay," said John. "Maybe later."


John was finishing making breakfast when Greg came into the kitchen. As he got some cereal out, he gave John a significant grin.


"You and Sherlock. You make a nice couple."


"Oh, don't play dumb," Greg teased. "I saw him coming out of your room this morning."

"Oh! Oh, no, we just slept to--no, not..." John sighed as he slid his fried eggs onto his plate. "He uses my bed when I'm out, but I came home and... so..."

Greg looked at him. "Uh... okay, that's kinda weird."

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