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Near the end of October, John was asked to come home to celebrate Harry's birthday. Sherlock sat on John's bed as he packed.

"This weekend is going to be odd."


"It's just going to be Greg and me," said Sherlock. "Mycroft's going to be going to some conference in Edinburgh."

"Oh. Well, you'll be fine. Just remember to eat, all right? And try not to bother Greg too much."

Sherlock rolled his eyes. John just smiled.

"Can I use your bed?"

"Of course."

"I... hope you have a good weekend."

"You, too, Sherlock."

John arrived back at the house midmorning on Sunday. He foraged for some lunch and sat at the table to enjoy it.

Half-way through John's lunch, Sherlock entered the living room.

"John, you're back!"

"Hey, Sherlock," said John. "How was your weekend?"


John laughed. "Good."

"I'm glad you're back," said Sherlock

"Thanks. Me, too."

Things went back to normal quickly; John and Sherlock shared a bed, John made sure Sherlock ate, and Sherlock helped John his studies.

About a week later, John was in bed when, at about midnight, he noticed Sherlock hadn’t come to bed yet. Figuring Sherlock might be up dealing with his demons, John got out of bed to see if he could help. He went out into the living room, only to find it empty. Now he was puzzled.

Going to the end of the hall, he knocked softly on the door to Mycroft and Sherlock's room

"Come in," came Mycroft's voice

John opened the door and looked in. Mycroft was sitting on his bed working on his laptop. Sherlock was nowhere to be seen.

"Is Sherlock in the bathroom?"

"No," said Mycroft. "Where have you looked?"

"My room and the living room."

"Have you tried Greg's room?"

"Greg's... you think he'd be in Greg's room?"

"Have you looked?"

"No. I guess I will."

John closed the door and went to Greg's room. He knocked. When he got no answer, he debated for a moment before opening the door anyway. To his surprise, Sherlock was in bed with Greg, both of them fast asleep.

Despite being confused by this discovery, John closed the door, leaving the two to sleep in peace.

Knocking on Mycroft's door again, he poked his head in.

"He's in Greg's room."

"Well, then, mystery solved," said Mycroft with a smile.

"Yeah, I suppose... Good night."

"Good night, John."

The next day, John made lunch for Sherlock and himself. John waited until they were almost done before he spoke up.



"Is there a reason you slept with Greg last night?"

"Oh," Sherlock said, "I should probably tell you what happened while you were home."


"Friday night, Greg got quite drunk. I was trying to ignore him, but he was being terribly noisy. So I tried to get him into his bed, hoping that would settle him down. In the process of that, I... sort of got tangled up with him. And, really, given his state, I felt it was probably best to stay with him, anyway.

"Well, perhaps because I'm used to sleeping with you, I found it quite pleasant. So Saturday, I asked Greg if I could sleep with him again. He was a bit hesitant, but finally agreed.

"When we slept together Saturday night--when Greg was sober--I discovered that Greg tends to fall right to sleep, and is a very sound sleeper."

Sherlock took a drink of his milk, then continued. "Last night I was very tired, and I had an early class. I slept with Greg because, as much as I enjoy talking to you, I didn't want to be up talking half the night."

"Ah," said John. "You could have told me; I would have let you sleep."

Sherlock shrugged. "But I like talking to you."

"So... if you want to talk, you'll sleep with me, if you need to get right to sleep, you'll sleep with Greg?"

"Yes. I doubt that will happen much, but yes."

"Okay," said John. "Next time, please tell me first. I was worried when you didn’t come to bed."

"Oh. That hadn't occurred to me. Yes, I'll tell you from now on."


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