you guys get caught

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Nash: Nash had just gotten back to the hotel, only to see that you had surprised him by flying out and hiding in his hotel room until he got back from the Meet and Greet. The second you saw each other he was all over you, you were both craving the other so strongly, I mean, two months apart can really do that to two teenagers. He had thrown you on the bed, where you two were currently entangled in each other, heavily kissing. Before you could pull apart, you heard a loud crash, then lots of boys screaming, then awkward silence. You pulled apart, and your cheeks flushed dark red as Nash sighed, annoyed. "I guess he found his surprise..." Carter trailed off, and Nash groaned. "Get out!" He said, and they quickly left, before he attached his lips back to yours.

Cameron: Being the eldest of the group, you guys were often being caught in compromising positions, like right now. You were in the hallway of the hotel, not even a room but a hallway, and his hands were shoved up your shirt, and you guys were hard core making out. It was one of those times where neither of you could control yourselves. You could hear the elevator open, and you both sprung apart quickly, eyes wide. He tried so smooth out his hair, but unfortunately, the boys walked out of the elevator right as you tried to fix your shirt. They all stopped when they saw you guys, and then began laughing and raising there eyebrows at you. You turn blood red and Cam looked down at his feet, a small smile on his face.

Matt: You kissed him hungrily, gripping the roots of his hair tightly. Currently you were both on the stage of the arena that they would be meeting fans at in less than two hours, no one around. You didn't get much alone time, so this was perfection to you two. He bit your lips sharply and you gasped, making him smile into the kiss. Suddenly, you heard a round of loud claps come from the seats, and you sprung apart quickly, your eyes darting around. You saw Carter, Aaron, Cameron, and Shawn all standing there smirking, and clapping at you two. "Come one guys!" Matt complained, and you smacked his chest, obviously embarrassed.

Jack Johnson: You and Jack were the most hyper of all the couples, for some odd reason. So doing spontaneous things was definitely something you guys would do. Which is why you were both running through the beach at midnight. The other boys were at the bonfire, but you wanted to splash around in the waves. But splashing around turned into making out on the sand very quickly, and it got heated very quickly. So quickly in fact that you didn't notice that all the boys had decided to see what was taking you so long, so when they stumbled across you two, they started wolf whistling, causing you to pull apart. "Damn Jack, can't even wait until we get back to the hotel?" Jack Gilinsky asked his best friend, who just shrugged and stood up like nothing even happened.

Aaron: What started as an innocent kiss in your hotel room began a full on makeup session. You were sitting on his lap on your bed, and he was fiddling with the ends of your shirt. You had just arrived yesterday, and you had already been caught in a position like this twice in the last day, so when the door flung open and you heard Nash's distinctive voice scream, you both just pulled apart and smiled sheepishly. "Not again guys!" Jack Johnson said, pretending to shield his eyes. You laughed and hugged Aaron tightly.

Jack Gilinsky: Back up against the wall, his lips roaming your neck roughly, you and Jack were in the closet in the middle of the hallway where all the boys were staying. You hadn't had any alone time the whole time you've been together, so this was a cherished moment. He hiked your shirt up sharply right as the door to the closet flew open, revealing Cameron, and every single other of the Magcon boys, standing there smirking. "You thought you could hide from us?" Cameron crossed his arms over his chest, and Jack groaned annoyed. "That was kind of the fucking point!" He said, and it only made him hotter to you. You latched onto his arm and leaned up and kissed his cheek as the other boys just shook there heads.

Shawn: You were the youngest couple of the group, so the boys would tease you if you even held hands, so you didn't show any PDA in front of them. But the whole day you had been yearning for Shawn to kiss you, so the minute he sat down on his hotel room bed, you pounced on him, straddling his waist and kissing him passionately, your tongues fighting for dominance. His hands were snaked up your shirt, and yours had already thrown his shirt across the room when the boys all stormed in, there mouths opening in shock. "Woah! Shawn, I didn't know you had it in you!" Taylor yelled as Jack and Jack nodded at Shawn approvingly. You were incredibly embarrassed, so you just hid your face in Shawn's neck as the boys began teasing and taunting you guys for getting caught.

Taylor: It was pretty much a normal moment, you guys were just kissing in the pool, no big deal. But it grew more passionate, and your legs found there way around his waist, and his hands began raking through your hair. As things began to heat up more, Shawn, Aaron and Matt all walked in, bathing suits on and everything. They groaned and sighed loudly. "Could you guys break apart for twenty minutes, or do that some where else? We want to swim!" Matt complained, but Taylor just flipped him off and continued kissing you.

Carter: It's not as bad as it sounds, but you guys were in the boys bathroom of the restaurant that the Magcon crew and staff was eating at in celebration of being halfway through the tour. You just couldn't resist yourself, so you snuck off to the bathroom where you were currently making out against the door, which was locked. It was getting pretty intense and heavy, when sudden rap on the door startled you both, making you pull apart. "Yo lovers, dinners here when your done." Aaron's distinctive voice said with a laugh, making you both turn bright red.

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