jack g - he compares you to leigh

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"God you're always doing this!" Jack exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.

"What? What am I doing Jack? Go on, just let it all out." You scream at him

He gets up and walks around the room, "You're just so damn controlling, you know that?"

"Well I'm sorry if I don't want to see you throw your life away, Jack!" You say, following him

"No, no see that's your problem" He says, turning and facing you, "You think I'm not responsible enough to be in charge of my own damn life!"

"No, honestly I don't!" You admit, "You have gotten yourself into some serious shit before, if you still think you're responsible after your multiple run ins with the police, you're more naive than I thought."

"See, you have absolutely no faith in me!" Jack yells, "Leigh would never get this controlling!"

You stop talking immediately, as Jack realises what he has said.

"(y/n)" He lowers his voice, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"See?" You say, starting to cry, "I was right, you're not over her."

"No, baby-" He grabs your arm, and you pull it away.

"Don't call me baby." You say, "I'm so stupid." You turn and walk away, "You're still in love with her, you never stopped loving her"

"No no no" He rushes towards you, pulling at your arms to move your hands away from your face. He holds your wrists as he looks at you, "(y/n) I'm sorry."

"Let go of me" You say calmly.

"(y/n) she means nothing to me!" He says

"Jack let go" You say again.

"No listen to me!" He says, squeezing your wrists tighter, "(y/n), I love you"

"But you love her more!" You exclaim

"I don't!" He reassures you, "I swear to god (y/n), she is in the past"

"You're lying!" You say, "You think she's better than me, I'm always going to be the one you came to when you were drunk after the break up, I'm always going to be the stupid little third wheel-"

"(y/n)!" He exclaims, "I'm sorry I even mentioned her. Okay, I'm completely over her, she is not a part of my life anymore. The only person I care about is you. You are all that matters to me."

You avoid eye contact but he lets one wrist go, tucking his hand under your chin, "(y/n) I love you."

You look at him for a moment, then calm yourself down. "Fine."

"Fine, I can work with fine." He says letting go of your wrist.

"Maybe fine will be our always" I'M JUST KIDDING HAHAHAH LIFe

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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