what kind of couple you are

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C a r t e r

You guys were the sappy couple who were always cuddling and posting cutesy pictures on Instagram of you two kissing or hugging. It sometimes annoyed the boys because you guys made little flirtatious remarks towards each other in front of them, and they always made fun of Carter for being such a softy whenever he was around you. You always took his snap backs off his head and steal his UNC sweatshirt to wear around your house whenever he is away at Magcon. He always wraps his arms around you from behind and puts his head in the crook of your neck, and he really loves to kiss your cheek or your nose or just pepper your whole face in kisses. When you guys fight he gets quiet and tries to do everything to avoid your eye contact, even if you are yelling at him to listen to you. But it doesn't stay that way for long because he is always the first one to apologize, even if you started the fight. He usually just comes up to you and pours his heart out about his fear of losing you, which always makes you forgive him quickly. Your whole relationship centers around the fact that you are both in love with each other, and nothing can get in the way of that.

C a m e r o n

You were a very emotional couple together, in everything that you did together. You were always being picked on by the boys because he was constantly calling you and telling you that he missed you, he was quite attached. He always cried when he had to leave for Magcon. But the boys also kind of envied your relationship, because of how open you were with each other and how in love you were. But all that love and emotion could make for some really heated arguments, and sometimes they got bad. He would yell really, really loud and he would sometimes make you cry, which of course could make you cry. And then he always felt guilty, and you both had really long apologetic talks, and you made sure that each person knew exactly how the other felt. You loved and fought passionately, which made for a really exciting relationship, full of ups and downs. You always went to Magcon events with him if you could get out of school, and you were really close friends with the other boys because you spent so much time with Cameron, which in turn meant that you spent a lot of times with the other boys. Your relationship may not be so healthy, considering your both so young but emotionally attached and invested, but you wouldn't trade your relationship for the world.

S h a w n

You were the cute, young couple who was new at this whole love thing. That of course meant that hormones got the best of you a lot, which made for lots of embarrassment as you were constantly getting caught making out or being a little too touchy feely, which always made the other boys laugh at you both. But just because you were young didn't mean that you didn't deeply care for each other, and find it very hard to deal with the distance when he had to go away. Both of you were shy kids, you met in school and your relationship grew from there, so you weren't able to go on many Magcon tour trips to visit him because of how diligent you were in school. The boys didn't know much about you except when they found you blushing or attached at the mouth with Shawn. But they could see how cute your were together when he dedicated songs to you or even wrote little love songs about your guys relationship. But Shawn wasn't so innocent, he could get really angry and curse a lot, but you weren't so fragile, you could yell pretty loud and be equally as responsible for your dumb little fights. You made up within seconds though, always, because he was just such a cutie and you just loved him so much and you knew that he loved you by the way his big brown eyes looked over at you.

J a c k J o h n s o n

Your relationship was rocky, and definitely rocky at that. It was on and off from the time it started at a party on spring break, when you both met heavily under the influence of alcohol or drugs or something that impaired judgement. It's no doubt to anyone that you and Jack have chemistry, and that you should both end up together one day. When you have good days you have great days, spending time together like the perfect couple would, being cute and kissing each other at every chance you could get. But when you fought it got viscous, and almost always ended up in yet another break up for you both to put on the record. It seems like every week you two are calling it off again, and it is endlessly annoying for both of your friends to hear your constant complaints about each other. Especially Jack Gilinsky, who was both of your mutual friends so he heard both sides of the story, and he never knew which one to trust. Sometimes it took a long time for you to makeup, other times it only took five minutes before you were all over each other again. Either way, you both loved each other, and deep down one day you would both grow up to make this relationship work.

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