your mad at eachother

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I feel like when Shawn's mad, he'd just sit there, trying to put the words together correctly so he could say it perfectly to make you shut up about whatever you're rambling about but you're literally just firing insults and valid points at him and so he'd be biting his lip real hard and his brows are furrowed as he focuses to try and find a good come back but nothing goes to his head because he can't bring himself to find one single flaw about you (even though you have many) so he'd just jolt up, surprising you. And you'd be a sass master like "oh, so now you're responding?" and he'd just push you until you're backed up against the wall and he'd just whisper "shut up, I love you." while he kisses you and how could you not kiss him back.


I feel like if it came down to it, Nash could be capable of being violent and I can definitely see him yelling. So a small argument would have gone too far and now every name in the book is being spat at each other and he's yelling so loud, the vein in his neck is prodding out and you'd be lying if you said you weren't scared but you weren't going to just take all his insults, you were going to argue back. A few things would be lying broken on the floor, he's breathing heavily and your face is beet read and his voice goes low and he gives you the most venom-filled insult and it'd hit all the wrong places because it's been years since anyone called you that and you've been spending years trying to bury those names and those memories and you'd just crack and cry and the second the first tear hits his pupils go wide again and he'd snap out of it and quickly run over to you and crush you in a hug and he'd just kiss all over your face and your neck whispering "i'm so sorry" over and over again against your skin.


I feel like both of you would try so hard to insult each other and be as mad at each other as you felt but you both couldn't bring yourselves to hurt each other so he'd end up leaving, slamming the door behind him and you'd run up to your room. You would probably fall asleep in the process of huffing or crying and somewhere in the middle of your slumber, Carter would softly come back home and take off his shirt and pants, getting under the covers as he huddles up against your back that was turned to him. You'd hear him whisper things like "you're so beautiful, I'm sorry. I love you so much." and you'd pretend that you didn't hear it and that you didn't have a huge smile across your face as you felt your sunshine cuddle against you.


I think Matt would just shut himself out. I have a feeling Matt's gone through quite a few things and I think when he fights with you, the old Matt comes back and he's no longer smiles and laugh and it would break your heart so I think you'd just slide down in front of his door, knowing fully well that he was sitting on the other side of it and you'd try to get him out of that room before he went crazy. You'd try singing off key, you tried using silly voices while saying "please open the door" and finally, you'd do a long speech of how you felt the first time you guys met and he'd finally open the door and you'd just hold each other, knowing that this was his way of apologizing.


He wouldn't be able to take the least bit of tears pooling around your eyes. He hates it when you cry and the fact that he did this to you made him hurt even more. He'd just take it while you yell at him about all the things he's ever done wrong while you choke back sobs, angry tears rushing down your face. Once you've got it all off of your chest, he'd just grab your hand and lead you to the bed, opening his arms so you could lay on him. And you both would fall asleep in each other's arms as the exhaustion of being mentally pushed around was getting to the both of you. When you wake up, you'd already have a breakfast in bed set filled with your favorite pancakes and an apologetic looking Cameron handing you a single rose.


Aaron would be angst. Once you say something that crosses the line (even though he's probably said one too many things that were worse than that), he'd just lock himself in his room upstairs so he wouldn't hurt you any further and you plop yourself on the couch with a heavy sigh as you tried to contain your tears and you could hear thuds which meant that he was pacing, something he did when he was stressed out and he'd work himself up and he'd be incredibly anxiety filled and once the thudding stops you take the spare key and you'd hear him take in short breaths and you see that he was close to a panic attack so you'd just hold him, his head buried in your chest as you rock both your bodies back and forth, rubbing his back soothingly. And once his breathing slows to whimpers, you'd say something like "don't worry, I won't tell the boys I had to mommy you back to sanity." to make the both of you smile.


I feel like you both would be so guilty. You'd be in your room, your heart hurting as you play the past fight in your head and he'd be angrily muttering in his own room as he tries to muster up an apology. He'd probably go to Nash and to be honest, Nash would just laugh because he knew none of you meant those things and you both love each other so he'd just be like "grow a pair and apologize, ya squirt." and he'd just inhale real deeply and strut over to your house and meanwhile Nash would have sent you a text like "prepare yourself, captain idiot is coming over to apologize. Yano the drill, he's really sorry (y/n). He even cried on my shoulder, it was pathetic :)" and you'd smile once you heard the knock on your door right after you finished reading Nash's text.


Taylor would get sooo worked up. Being already normally energetic and incredibly hyper, you can imagine how jumpy Taylor would get when he's mad at you. He'd be bouncing on his feet as if he was a boxer, preparing for a fight. His normally big mouth would be throwing out every curse in the book and you'd just sit there, your mouth in a bored straight line and that would piss him off even more so he'd throw something and you'd be like "oh of course, you can't even use your words like an adult, can you?" and he'd just get all in your grill like "I swear to my fucking god, (y/n). You've been giving me sass the whole fucking day and I am done with it. I love you, alright?! Now quit being a bitch and just kiss me." and you wanna slap him for calling you a bitch but fuck, him in all his shirtless glory and disheveled hair behind that fucking bandana of his, how could you resist?

J A C K - G

Yelling would be incredibly normal for the both of you. Jack could be a little shy cutie sometimes but you knew what he was like when he was pissed and well, you always had quite the big mouth. It was all going quite normal for a fight but then he'd get physical and punch the wall or throw a vase and that would scare you because you've always been scared of getting physically abused and once he sees you flinch away his dilated pupils would grow to it's normal size and he looks at you, waiting for a response because he knows he's crossed the line but you say nothing as you avoid his eyes and he tries to walk up to you but you take a few steps back, cowering away and his eyes would fill up with tears and he'd just beg for you to come closer and he'd be all like "you know i'd never hurt you, right, baby? it was just an accident. I promise i'll never lay a hand on you like that." and you'd slowly but surely come closer.

J A C K - J

I think Jack J would get stoned or drunk. Like he'd be so guilty and be so pissed at himself for losing control infront of you like that, that he'd blame himself immensely and try to hurt himself with drinking or smoking. Ofcourse by the time it's late at night, you'd get a high/drunk phonecall from him, slurring out "i love you"s and apologies and you'd quickly text him to find out where he is and rescue him from whatever party he was at. Once you tuck him into bed, he'd still be slurring about how beautiful you are and how he would never want to lose you.

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