carter imagines

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"Okay, guys," Carter excitedly whispered into the camera, even though there was no one in your hotel room. "So (y/n), who is a part of the MagCon tour just went out for some starbucks and we're going to raid her room together, a'ight?"

Carter quickly ducked his head in your room, your hotel room key that he stole tucked tightly in his hands. He quickly turned on the lights and his face lit up like the room once he realized that he got in to your room. He laughed to himself, the image of you beating him up once you find out about this playing in his head.

"Okay, let me just set you guys right here," he hummed to himself, his tongue between his teeth as he set his tripod in front of your bed. "Let's see," his eyes scanned the fairly neat room, trying to find something to look through until his eyes set on your suitcase. "You guys wanna see the outfits (y/n) have so carefully thought out for this tour? I think you do." he answered himself as he put the suitcase on the bed and set behind it, hoping it wasn't locked. Once he saw there was no padlock, he hissed in a 'yes!' manner.

"Okay so (y/n) has like 5 different books in here, how is she even going to finish all of these?" his brows furrowed as he took out the book series you had packed for this trip. "Gurl, naw." he snapped at the camera.

His hands ruffled through the shirts you bought, commenting on how green was not your color. "Oh, she brought this sweater! I love this sweater!" he cheered into the camera as he took out your black knit sweater that he always compliments you on and held it out for the camera. "I-I mean," he turned red once he realized what he just said. "It's really really soft and it feels nice when you touch it-" he re-worded but his eyes widened once he realized what his supposed save was. "Not that I don't touch her or anything," he chuckled nervously. "You know what, I'm editing that out." he pursed his lips.

His hands went through a few more clothes and then his eyes widened at the sight of all the candy you brought. He took it in his palms and threw it everywhere, screaming "CANDEH!"

"(y/n)'s going to kill me." he giggled at the mess he made on his bed and he wasn't even near done with your luggage.

"Damn, (y/n). How many bras do you need?" he chuckled, trying to keep it cool but the blush on his cheeks were evident. "I-uhh, umm." he stuttered as he looked at the pile of pretty racy underwear. He took a hot pink one that was folded nicely. "Interesting...?" he drifted off as he turned the underwear to the camera, showing that there was a bedazzled heart at the right side. "I guess (y/n)'s getting some?" he was too busy furrowing his brows at the underwear in his hands that he didn't have enough time to react once he heard the door unlock.

"Where is that little shit?!" he heard you screech from the other side of the door and it quickly shot open, making you and the boys behind you that had ratted out carter gasped once you saw the mess he made on your bed and your lacy thong underwear in his hands. "Carter. Reynolds. What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing." you demanded as you quickly jumped on him, snatching the underwear from his hands and throwing it in your luggage.

You quickly held your arm into 2 balled fists and start throwing punches at his sides. "Ow!" he shrieked. "(y/n)!" he half-giggled, half-yelled. The rest of the boys laughed from the doorway at the scene before them.

"You little fucker!" you kicked him playfully. Your head snapped to the camera you realized was before you. "You got this all on tape?!" you shrieked even harder.

"Stop! (y/n), Stop!" Carter laughed as he tried to get you off of him and once he thought he succeeded, you felt yourself falling off of the bed so you held on to Carter for dear life, making him fall onto you, him thankfully having quick reflexes so he put his 2 hands under your head before him so he was propped above you and didn't crush you and you didn't get a concussion. Your eyes were wide as you looked up into Carter's eyes, now calm as you stared into the pretty brown color.

"You have really pretty lashes." he commented softly as he scanned your face. Both of your eyes widened once you realized what was happening and jumped away from each other.

The boys who were still piled up in the entrance were now closer and their eyes were wide at the cause of what just happened between you and Carter.

"Well," Nash breathed.

"We're gonna go." Shawn pursed his lips to try and stop his giggles, pulling the rest of the shocked boys with him.

"When we get back you both better be making out." Cameron held out a finger at you as if it made him seem more stern.

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