Chapter 6

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Vic's POV

Fast forward a week and I had just finished setting up my apartment. I admit it took me a little longer than I anticipated but when I wasn’t getting settled in Kellin and I were on the phone, or video chatting. Sure, it had only been a week, but I was missing him like crazy and if this was going to work, communication was key.

Right now I was finally taking a breath, admiring my brand new home for the next year. It was a nice place considering I couldn’t afford anything super fancy and in New York, even the smallest places can be kind of pricey. Nonetheless, the firm had managed to find me something affordable and although it certainly didn’t have that comforting feel that my shared place in San Diego did, I felt safe here and I guess that’s what mattered.

It wasn’t too small, but it wasn’t big by any means. I had the standards: a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, and a little space that branched off from the kitchen, plus a decent sized closet in the living room. Overall, I liked it. I was only one guy so I didn’t really need much. The furniture had been included and so that wasn’t an expense for me.

Everything of mine was brought from back home, plus a few things I may have stolen from Kellin, but I couldn’t help it. On our bedside table Kellin kept a framed picture of us plus a group of friends on an outing we went on. I loved waking up to it, so without telling him, I shoved it in my bag before leaving. I’m sure he realized it was missing right away, but he hasn’t brought it up to me. Probably because he knows how much I needed the familiar things here with me to keep myself grounded.

I pulled my laptop out from one of my bags and placed it on the small coffee table in front of me. Immediately I logged into Skype and placed a call to Kellin. He told me he wanted a tour of my place once everything was finished, so I figured I’d do it now before I fell asleep.

It rang only a few times before the blank screen disappeared and I was met with my boyfriend’s gorgeous face. There was something about seeing him that made my insides feel like they were on fire, the burn radiating through my body and tugging at my heart. I would give anything to be able to reach through this computer and touch him.

“Vic!” He shrieked, smiling brightly as he bounced a little on our bed. “I was beginning to think you weren’t going to call. It’s what, almost midnight there?” His words were coming out fast and I felt bad for making him wait so late.

“I’m sorry, Kels.” I said softly. “But I’m here now. My attention is all yours.”

At that he let out a giggle. “You done unpacking then? Can you give me a tour now?” He was practically beaming, which was a nice change from our previous call just yesterday. I think the distance is going to be harder on him than it is me, and that’s really saying something because being so far away from him is pure agony. Kellin’s always been that kind of guy, though.

“You’d rather see my apartment than my face?” I said, mock being offended. He just smiled and nodded, mumbling a quiet ‘yep’. Since I am such an incredible boyfriend, I decided to do as he asked and picked up my laptop, turning it in my hands so my screen was facing outward. “So,” I started and began walking around the living room. “This is my living room. Nothing special, but it gets the job done.”

I moved in a slow circle, making sure he got a view of everything, even the bare wall by the door. After, I made my way to the kitchen, including a nice glimpse of the pizza box I intentionally left on the kitchen counter.

“I can’t believe you’re eating pizza without me,” he whined. “The one thing I told you not to do.” He huffed in disbelief.

“Oh, shut up.” I teased and walked out of the tiny space. After showing him a few other things in the front part of the apartment, I turned and made my way to the bedroom, where I’d probably be spending a majority of my time. Back home we had an office room for us to work in, but here, it seemed like the best place to do anything would be in the comfort of my own room.

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