Chapter 24

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Vic's POV

Sitting in the break room, my eyes watched the clock as it counted down the minutes until the end of the day. Once I was done here, that was it – the lower level of interns would officially be on spring break for an entire week. Originally, I was supposed to go back to San Diego for a few days, mostly for Kellin but also to see friends. Obviously since Kellin and I were no longer together, those plans didn’t exist anymore. So that meant that instead of going back to my sunny home state, I had to find entertainment elsewhere.

That’s where Alex came in.

It was safe to say that as time went on, we were sort of getting back to normal. Lately, I’ve been laughing more and honestly, I wasn’t sure if it was genuine or just the fact that I’ve succeeded in turning off any unnecessary (and unwanted) emotions and laughing seemed like a good cover up. With Alex, we were friends even though our current predicament was a little more than friendly. That’s all I saw him as, though. We had sex, we talked and that was it. Nothing more was going to come from it.

However, just because I didn’t want a relationship didn’t mean that we had to stop our little fling. Deep down somewhere, I still hated him, but I was trying to move on and get over Kellin. I’m almost positive he’s doing the same. Who knows, maybe Tony had another one of his infamous parties and Kellin met a new guy the same way he met me.

Brushing those thoughts aside, I decided that was enough wasting time. I still had three hours to go before I could actually leave and in those three hours I needed to get something for this case done. I picked up the container that once held my food and proceeded to clear off the table, something no one else seemed to know how to do in the workplace.

I was about to leave when the door opened before I even got the chance, my hand still secured on the handle. Stepping back, I let whoever was on the other side in, lightly smiling when I saw Alex’s familiar face. He was smiling happily, probably because he was just as excited about getting a break as I was. That case Sweeney had put us on was time consuming, though we found ways to entertain ourselves.

Smirking at the thought, I did what I had grown accustomed to doing, not that I particularly enjoyed it. This side just came out of me when I was around him. The sex wasn’t even that good, it was full of hate and trust me when I say hate sex with someone like Alex doesn’t have the appeal that it should. I think it’s because the hate outweighs the pleasure. Despite that horrible feeling in my stomach, I wrapped a hand around his neck anyway, bringing his lips to mine and kissing him hard.

We hardly ever did this at work and when we did, it was just kissing, but right now I was feeling extra touchy, excitement from getting some time off heightening my senses. That’s the only explainable reason I had for letting Alex lift me up on the counter, nearly knocking over the coffee maker in the process.

Over time, I’d gotten to use to his aggressive kissing. It wasn’t that I was turned off by rough kisses; it’s just that his didn’t have that allure that Kellin’s did. That was another problem I had. Every time I slept with Alex, thoughts of Kellin entered my mind. There was no comparison, Kellin was better in every way, but even though I already knew that information, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking it.

Every. Single. Time.

Eventually we pulled apart, Alex panting heavier than I was. Then again, he always got into it more. My suit was disheveled from his roaming hands and my cheeks were a bit flushed, but I managed to collect myself and push him away so I could plant my feet back on the ground.

“I always love doing that here,” he said, his voice suddenly turning to that seductive one he used just before things got hot and heavy. I knew what he was thinking, but it wasn’t going to happen; not in the work place, not with him.

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