Chapter 38

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Vic’s POV

I was happy. Genuinely happy for the first time in what felt like months. Sitting here in the conference room across from Kellin – who might I add was looking absolutely adorable as he focused so hard on the laptop in front of him – I knew that we were finally on the right track. It felt good to be able to have a clean slate. After nearly breaking up the other night it kind of opened both of our eyes. We laid literally everything out there and it was good, therapeutic. Now we both know that we’re in this for the long run and that thought should scare me more than it does. I’ve never imagined being with someone forever, but with Kellin, I can totally picture it. When I’m old and on my death bed, he’s the one I want to be there by my side. I’ve never had that feeling about anyone else before.

Then again, I’ve never been this serious about another person before; I’ve never fought this hard for someone. I should have known that Kellin would be different. The very first night I met him, I found myself hooked. Getting with him officially was kind of risky. How often do relationships last when they typically start from sex? He was worth it, though, and three years later we’re still happy.

Sometimes it scared me to think that I could love somebody this much, but when I look at him I can’t explain what I feel. He is the most important person in my life and I love him so fücking much. I could lose my site and my mind and the world could go to absolute shït, but none of that would fücking matter as long as I still had him. Is it normal to feel this way about someone? How is it possible to care about a person this much?

“What?” Kellin’s soft voice pierced the silence. I shook the overly romantic thoughts out of my head and put my attention on him. I hadn’t realized I had zoned out, apparently staring at him so intently.

“Sorry,” I mumbled shyly and bit my lip. Was I blushing? Why was he suddenly making me feel so nervous? This was crazy. He was Kellin, love of my life, cute little guy who giggled like a teenage girl, boy with a feminine body that I absolutely adored. I had no reason to feel nervous around him.

He gave me a warm smile and reached across the table to take my hand in his. “You’re cute,” he giggled and went back to what he was doing. We had been busy at the office the past couple of weeks. It was good for us as lawyers, shïtty for us as boyfriends.

“How much do you have left to do?” I changed the subject, ignoring that fluttery feeling in my chest when his grin widened.

“A few more assessments and then I am done,” he answered, not looking away from the work in front of him. I loved watching him concentrate, always zoned in and focused. It was quite attractive, actually.

I sighed and went back to whatever I was doing, surprised that I had actually managed to finish. Where the hell was my head? I shook it off and closed my laptop, gathering the papers I had scattered around me. Kellin was still clicking away as I stood up and walked over to him. Placing a kiss on his cheek, I spoke. “I’ll see you at home, okay? I’m gonna go meet Mike for lunch. I love you.”

Just then he stopped what he was doing, spun around in his chair, grabbed my tie and pulled me back down so I was level with him. “I love you, too.” He pecked my lips and smiled into the kiss. “So much.”

As I pulled away, I swallowed hard. Yeah, something was different, something was off and when he slipped his fingers between mine, I knew exactly what it was. My breath caught in my throat and I felt my heart speed up. I had to talk to Mike now. As soon as fücking possible.

I gave him another kiss and took my things, practically bolting out of the room and to my car. Excitement and nerves both pulsed through me and I broke the speed limit, racing to Mike’s house so I could pick him up. I was going to do this and the thing was, I always knew. It was always a part of my plan. Only now I was finally making the decision to move forward with it.

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