Chapter 34

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Vic’s POV

"I'm going to break your alarm clock," Kellin groaned, rolling onto his side and burying his face in between our pillows. I laughed at his adorable demeanor and moved so I was facing him, wrapping him in my arms and holding him close. He curled himself into me and placed his arms around my waist, then slipped his leg between mine, tangling our limbs so we were nearly twisted into one. I smiled and placed a kiss to his head.

"Baby, please don't break my phone." I tried but he just mumbled something in response and hugged me tighter. It was Sunday and I had forgotten to turn off the alarm before going to sleep last night. Bright and early at 6:30 it went off, startling us both, Kellin more so than myself. "I'm sorry. I know it's early."

He groaned again, agreeing with me. I felt his body shiver when the blankets dropped off his shoulder so I did the first thing that came to mind; rolling us over so he was placed staring wide eyed underneath me. He looked disoriented, making him even more adorable at that moment. I was so lucky to wake up next to him again. That thought in mind, I dropped my head, capturing his soft lips in a light kiss.

It was a perfect moment, lying on top of him, my breathing in time with his; listening to his heart as it pounded rapidly against its cage in what I hoped was a response to the way he felt about me because I swear, my heart always felt like it would explode around him. I don’t know how I even left him in the first place. I flicked my eyes to his, feeling my insides practically melt when he reached up to touch my cheek. I pressed my face against his hand, eyes fluttering shut at his gentle touch. I sighed in content.

"Good morning," he whispered making me open my eyes. His voice was so quiet like he was trying his hardest to not disturb the peacefulness of this situation. I ran my hand down the front of his chest feeling the smooth surface of his pale skin beneath my fingertips and murmured a soft "good morning" in response.

"What are you doing?" He giggled as I brushed my thumb over the purplish blossom on his collar bone. He was breathtaking like this - messy hair, sleepy eyes, lazy smile - I couldn't stop taking him in. I was seriously the luckiest guy in the world. I didn't deserve a person like Kellin, I really didn't.

"Admiring my handy work," I teased, going back to his skin, leaning down and kissing my mark. He drew in a breath, inflating my ego for only a brief second before I let it go. I could still make him tremble. I loved that. "Come on let me make you breakfast," I said as I sat back on the bed grabbing at his arms. He simply groaned and swatted my hands away. I just sighed. "Fine, I'll make it all for myself. You can starve."

"No, wait," Kellin said wiggling out of the blankets and crawling into my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. My arms circled his waist and I squeezed, a little squeak coming out of him afterward. He eventually pulled away and smiled at me. His smile was brilliant, like a cure for a bad day itself. It was impossible not to return it, so I did, grinning so hard and wide it might have been going a bit overboard but that was the thing, it wasn't intentional. I really was this happy. "I love you so much," he beamed, pecking my lips again.

"I love you more," I replied, tapping his back with my fingers so he would get up. "But now I'm really hungry so come on."

Reluctantly he slid off of me and back on to the bed. I stood; ready to take his hand in mine when I felt a pressure on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Kellin's smiling face hovering above me. "Carry me?" He asked, biting his lip and I couldn't say no.

He instantly jumped onto my back nearly making the both of us collapse on the ground. I grabbed his thighs and held him tightly to make my way out of our room. It was a short distance from there to the kitchen but Kellin insisted on kissing my neck the entire way which was usually just enough to drive me crazy, but there was something so innocent about it that I didn't care.

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