Chapter 30

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"Wake up guys!" I shout and jump up and down.  Yesterday I introduced them to Guard and told them all, not all, but a lot, about what was going on. They took it surprisingly well. 

"What!?" Yang groans, turning in her bed. 

"We have school!" Weiss shoots up and runs to the bathroom. Of course that's the only thing on her mind. 

"Calm down Weiss. Oz wants us in his Office in twenty minutes."  I say. My team all look at me in surprise. 

"But we have class?" I look over to Weiss and shake my head. "Headmaster wants to see us."

"Rubs, what did we do this time?" Yang asks as she finally gets out of bed. 

"Just get ready!" I say and turn around to get dressed.

Twenty minutes later we are all standing in the elevator, no one daring to say a single word. When the elevator arrives at the highest floor I am the first to step out. Oz is waiting for us behind his desk. 

"Good morning girls." He greats us. "Miss Rose, I must say I am very happy to hear that you took my advice and told your Friends." He says as he turns to me. I smile and sit down on one of the chairs. My team follows me in and sit down on the other chairs. All of them look at Ozpin as if they had seen a ghost. To tired to comprehend what's going on and to confused to react to anything we say. 

"I ordered this meeting because we need to talk abut-" I start before Yang cuts me of. "I thought Professor Ozpin wanted to see us?" 

"The only reason I bothered waking up this early is because her Highness wanted to speak." Oz says calmly, looking at his watch. I had called Oz in at six and told him to be in his office by seven. Needless to say, he had not sounded happy to get woken up early again. Over the last few days I found out, that Oz always worked late into the night, so I never judge him for being tired and possibly addicted to coffee. 

"So anyway, I told them everything and introduced them to Guard." I say, pointing to my team. 

"It was about time. Having them involved will make things much easier." 

"Also, Guard is going to rob a Bank today. I am going to take my team and stop the robbery." 

"Make sure everyone believes that you found out by spying or something. If his cover is blown, we won't have a spy anymore." Oz says, standing up to hand us a plate of cookies. I accept the sweet treat immediately and start eating. The rest of my team just stares at me. 

"We need to make it believable that we are kicking his butt. He won't go all out, like always, but please don't hurt him too much. He's already risking his life as it is." I look at each of my friends individually until then nod. 

"When, where, what and how is he going to attack. Is he going alone or with others?" Weiss asks me.

"One hour, Bank near the Movies, stealing dust and with his cane. He's going alone with Neo." 

"Neos that Ice cream girl that beat up Yang on the train?" Blake asks looking at her Partner with a hint of amusement in her voice, that only I seem to notice. My big sister nods. Her fists are clenched. 

"She is not one of us. You can kill her if you want" I say cheerfully. 

"Please restrain yourselves from killing anyone." Oz chimes in, clearly not understanding that it had been a joke. We all role our eyes at that and start to giggle. 

After a long talk with Oz, my team seams at ease. Together with Oz, I explained the Circle and we set a plan for the fight that was soon to come. Blake and Weiss are going to take on Neo, while I stop the heist and Weiss fights Roman, until Neo is knocked out. Then Roman will take Neo and pretend to flee. Simple enough, what could go wrong? Of course, everything could go wrong, but I choose not to focus on that. Only a few more minutes left before it goes down. We are hiding up on a building, waiting for the White, unmarked van to arrive. When the van finally shows up, I see two figures step out. To raise less suspicion, we wait five minutes before jumping down from our hideout. I can hear some yells from the inside of the bank and nod to my friends. "Commence, Mission Cookies!" I whisper to myself. We storm in, to find the short woman named Neo, holding the Manager at gunpoint. Roman, is standing behind her. 

"Well well, if it isn't little Red. Did you miss me that much that you come see me at work?" He says, his evil grin plastered onto his face. He slowly strolls forward, getting closer to me. Quickly I get Crescent Rose out and move backwards into a defensive stance. 

"You even brought your oversized gardening tool with you." He mocks me. I have to admit, it kinda hurts. Yang huffs behind me and is about to charge, when he steps back and dodges her attack. 

"Calm down Blondie, I'm just having a little fun." His expression turns serious as he backs of further. "Neo get them!" he jells out before turning back to the manager and taking all the money from the counter and stuffing t into a bag. Weiss dodges Neo and starts fighting with him. I can hear a few witty comments and lots of blades colliding. Yang and Blake circle Neo slowly. When they attack, it doesn't take long until both the blond and the cat girl are on the floor. Instead of helping Weiss, I change the plan. We hadn't expected Neo to be that strong. I run towards her and start shooting. Her swift movements look almost like dancing as she dodges all my attacks. She's fast, but no match to my semblance. I whirl around her and hit her on the back of her head as hard as I can. She stubbles forwards but doesn't fall. Like lightning, she turns around and disarms me, throwing her Umbrella behind her as she does so. Her smug expression turning serious. Weiss and Roman have both stopped fighting and are now instead watching our fight. Both holding their weapons ready to interfere in case I get knocked out. Neo looks at her Boss when she stops hearing the fighting. Once again, I see that o so familiar expression of confusion. 

"Careful, she's strong!" Guard yells at us. Neo nods and charges. My hand to hand combat skills have improved in the last week, but I still can't fight properly without my weapon. It takes most of my concentration to not use my eyes. Neo doesn't seem to have any problem fighting without her umbrella. I keep dodging, not daring to make an opening by attacking her. I'm backed in a corner, but right before she can go for the kill I grab her arm and throw her onto her back. Roman throws me a syringe behind Neos field of vision and I jab it into her neck. Her body goes limp in my arms as I inject the liquid. I almost feel bad for doing this to her, after all, she is only doing all of this because of Torchwick and he was betraying her. I can't blame her for doing what she does for the person who saved her. Roman, had explained once that he took her in when she was abandoned. He knows all too well how she feels for him, but never returned her feelings. 

"get out of here as fast as possible. We'll make something up for the police." I order. Roman waist no time and runs out with Neo in his Arms. Together with Weiss I wake the other two up and fill them in. The Manager of the Bank is still staring at us with open mouths. We completely forgot about him. 

"Do me a favor mister," I step towards him with the widest smile. He backs away slowly. "Tell the police that we beat them and they ran. If you tell anyone, that Roman helped us." 

"Why...?" He stutters.

"Because, if Romans cover is lifted, then we won't have a spy anymore and I an and will make sure you end up in jail for the rest of your life." I say, a shadow falling over my face and my voice cold as the stone floor beneath our feet. The man nods and runs to the phone to call the police.

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