3 | g r a y s o n

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"Ethan! Ethan! Ethan! Ethaaaan!"

"What the heck? Grayson, why are you shouting?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and frowned. "I need to tell you something." he faced me and looked at me as if he was making sure if I'm not pranking him or something. "Psh, come on bro I'm serious."

"What is it? Do you really need to shout? We're literally in the same room." he said but I didn't answer. Fudge. I am nervous. "Come on, say it."

I let out a sigh once again. "Uhm. I.. I.. I-I. I.."

"I? I mean you??"

"You know. Hahaha! I.."

He glared at me. "What the heck is your problem?? say it to me right now. Don't be such a weirdo."

"Fine! I.. IaccidentallylikedvanessaspicbecauseIamstupid."




"I know I know! And I can't do anything about it because people already noticed! Aaaah! I'm so stupid!" I messed my hair because of frustration. "Dude, that's stupid!" He yelled. "I know I know!!" I said, about to cry... no, I'm just kidding.

"What should you do now? Don't unlike it though." He smirked.

"Uh of course, nothing. I'll make it more obvious if I'll unlike it. Fudge. I'm so stupid."

"Whatever. At least at some point she'll get like a sign or something. You know?"

"Sign? What do you mean?"

"A sign like.. A sign that you like he--"

"Shut up!" I shouted and left the room. I even heard his laugh even if I closed the door. Psh.

I thought E would make me feel better but.. Raaa! I feel worse. I'm so stuuupid. I hate myself!

A/N: if you're curious, 'raaa!' is an expression I made up hehe peace.

baby girl ➸ graynessaWhere stories live. Discover now