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Hey Veronica

Just call me Roni ✌🏼

Oh Roni


Is Vanessa mad at me?

First of all, just call her Nessa

Anyway, why are you asking that??

Because she was acting weird yesterday
She told me to let her move on, I asked her
what is she moving on for but she didn't reply

Oh nooo

What's happening?

You wouldn't understand

Then let me understand


Nessa likes you



And she's trying to move on from you
becoz she thought you like me because
you asked her questions about me and
stuff. If you know her too well, she doesn't
like sticking to one person, if that person doesn't
like her back, she'll immediately give up


Ikr 🙌🏻

But really??? She likes me???!

She really really likes you. And
it's very hard to see her forcing
herself to get over you. I never
saw her like that before

But I don't like you though?

Uh?? Rude!

No I mean like you know, I only like
you as a friend. 😁

Same loool

Did you tell her I like her?

I did but she doesn't believe me

Roni, how about we meet next week with Nessa so
we could talk and I'll explain why I was asking those

Hmm good idea. Where?

Taco bell? 😂

Psh the place should be romantic

Ik but let's talk about that later
I need to ask you something

What is it?

Is she like with someone rn? Is she uhm.. you know

She's still single of course since she's
still trying to move on but she is actually
meeting someone often 😕

Wth who??



who's Bryce?

Bryce Hall duh

What the

Yep so if I were you,
let's meet tomorrow at 6 pm! Bye now
I need to pee!! 👋🏻👋🏻

Uh okay bye

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