Chapter 24

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Jimin sat up abruptly.

He knew Hoseok had a point. Although they didn't have any feelings of love for each other, yet he knew he would have been hurt if Hoseok left him for someone else.

That's when his mind went back to a certain man with mint green hair.

Jimin was sure he had felt a slight attraction to Yoongi each time they met. But what if he wanted to take things further with him. What would happen between him and Hoseok?

Hoseok sat up, resting his head on Jimin's shoulder, "I'm sorry. That was a very selfish thing to say, I remember what we promised before starting things."

"No, I can understand what you are feeling. I would feel the same I suppose" he sighed.

"You know what? When time comes, things will work out automatically" Hoseok said lying down and pulling Jimin with him. And little did he know that, that 'time', was just around the corner, and indeed things would work out.

"Why do you like dancing so much?" Jimin wanted to talk about something other than their relationship.

"You know, I am not good at expressing my thoughts and feelings with words. I either come across as loud or annoying to most people." He sighed then continued, "But by dancing, I can express my emotions with my body, I have told so many stories to those who have seen me dance without saying a single word."

Jimin had a lost look on his face. He was moved by Hoseok's words. He knew the older enjoyed dancing, but using it to express his emotions? "Wow..." he sighed.

"What about you, why do you like dancing?"

"My parents would rarely let me do anything other than study. To shake the stress off, I would dance in my room. My mom noticed me one day and was amazed at my movements. The very next day she made me join the dance class in the neighborhood, I was beyond ecstatic at the time" his eyes lit up as he spoke, "But then, I was never able to fit in those classes. They were extremely strict. They would force us to follow their choreographies and only focused on winning competitions. I didn't want to learn dance just to win competitions, I wanted to learn it because I thought it was a wonderful form of art."

Hoseok was amazed at Jimin's words. He saw true passion in his eyes.

"Jimin, it's almost three a.m., we should sleep now" Hoseok said as he cuddled with the younger.

"Hyung, wake me up by ten, I don't want to sleep for too lo—" Jimin's words were suddenly cut off when they heard the sound of glass shattering in the living room.

The two jumped up and ran out of the room to find Taehyung leaning on the dining table, a broken glass of water lying on the floor.

Taehyung looked up and gave them a wide grin. His eyes were slightly droopy and he was murmuring something inaudible.

"Tae, what happened?" Jimin marched up to him but the other pushed him away.

"No! Don't worry about me" he slurred, "Taetae can take care of himself, he's a big boy now."

"Did you drink?!" Hoseok rushed forward and caught Taehyung right when he was about to fall. He lifted the younger up and made him sit on the sofa.

"Just a teeny-tiny bit" Taehyung giggled. He became extra silly whenever he drank.

"Tae... why did you drink? Who were you with?" Hoseok asked, he knew Namjoon was not a big fan of alcohol.

"I was allll alone" he giggled, "and I drank because I wanted to get drunk stupid!" His drunk mind couldn't process why Hoseok would ask such silly questions.

"Well, then you should sleep now, let's put you to bed" Hoseok sighed helping the drunk boy stand. He would ask his questions later when he sobered up.

After putting Taehyung to bed, Hoseok and Jimin walked back to the older's room and laid down on the bed.

"Wow, I'm not sleepy anymore" Jimin sighed staring at the ceiling.

"Well, neither am I. But I can make you tired enough to fall asleep" Hoseok looked at Jimin with a smug smile.

"Let's see if you can" smirked the younger as they got down to do the task.

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